
Why did this happen when i woke up?Does it mean anything?

by  |  earlier

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I was dreaming about a man i loved but had a falling out with.Then I woke up.As I woke up my phone was ringing but it had woken me up so I missed the call cause i didnt get to the phone in time.When I checked the number it was the birthday of the guy I had been dreaming about.What does that mean?




  1. You were probably just afraid that you guys would get in a fight and then break up. Most people have that especially when their in a serious relationship and are in love with that person. Or it could have been a dream that means nothing it is hard to tell for you did not tell what the falling out was but it could also mean that you might need a break from him.

  2. You probably logged his birthday in your phone under the calendar section....and lo and behold, it's his birthday and your phone 'announces' ringing - mine does the same thing.

  3. Maybe your are still connected with this man. Maybe it was nothing at all other than a dream.

  4. To me it means that you still carry around some residue of your love for this man.  It is not unusual when our subconscious minds retain our most delicate secrets and wishes.  The subconscious mind is active especially when we are asleep and soon after we wake up.  You must have really loved this guy.

  5. it could be your sub conscious trying to let you know it was his birthday. obviously you knew the date but just forgot. dreams are a way for your sub con. to work out problems you are having in life, thats why we dream.

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