
Why did this mother hide the births and deaths of 2 infants?

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  1. who knows, she isn't normal!

  2. it says she is ill and the babies was still born if she did not know what to do because of her mental state of mind i fill real sorry for her , some should have noticed she was having a baby, i think it is real sad poor girl

  3. It is impossible to answer this question as we have no information about the mother, her health, state of mind, circumstances etc. Nor do we have any details about the births or causes of death.

    I don't think it appropriate to speculate at this point.

  4. This is not as uncommon as you think.  Only the other day, I read of an old lady who hid two stillborn children in her wardrobe for decades - it was only when her children cleared her room a couple of years after she had died that they found them.  Can you imagine how traumatic it would be for a woman to go through the trauma of giving birth alone and then hiding the bodies.  There are so many reasons the could be behind it, shame,  wanting to hold onto the bodies of her dead children. Tragic.

  5. I can't imagine why any mother would hide something like that.

  6. Probably had the babies and didnt know what to do or who to turn to for help. It does happen that women/girls have babies and just hide the pregnacy and then dispose of the baby or abondon it some where.  Tragic really

  7. I'm not sure how you expect us to know the answer to this unless we personally knew her.

    I really don't think we should guess about things like this, there could be a number of reasons why why this happened.  

  8. some people are not stable i guess!!

  9. she has religion related issues.

  10. Because she's mental.

  11. here is a newspaper story from plymouth about her. i also found a facebook entry for her, but i cant log in.

    she claims they were still born and they cannot prove anything other. she is currently receiving psychiatric treatment

  12. Perhaps she is mentally ill and was unable to cope with children but unable to tell anyone that she was pregnant.

  13. why on earth would she hie the death of her

    babies, thier must be something wrong with

    her head.

  14. This makes the 2nd person in the UK that I have heard of doing this. I personally have talked to the other person, and she had no excuse .

  15. off to prison with her , b*****d

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