
Why did this police officer mistake my identity for someone else yesterday?

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I was afraid that I was going to go to jail, & I wondered why he came ALL the way on the bus, just to ask me if I'm, "Erica". My name is Candy, of course. & good thing he was polite about it, rather than rude, bullyish & arrogant. He said he saw me running & asked me where I was coming from. I told him "which I was" coming from the library, & I ran to the bus station because I thought I was going to miss my bus.

This is a pretty racist town, but I guess I was lucky that this guy was nice. Other cops would yell @ you & throw you on the car. I didn't even know he was looking for anyone until he followed me WAY to the back of the bus.

Last yr., I got arrested for a crime of fraud that I didn't commit, & the cops were very abusive & provoked me because I'm Black. & this guy yesterday was looking for a "Black" person. My friend told me that the cop was probably looking for a woman who fit my physical description who had a warrant out for her arrest.




  1. as difficult as it is to believe it was to protect you, think about it.

  2. OMG SOOOO sry this happened to you.  I really think you are the victim of racial profiling.  My advise is to lay low and be polite 2 cops weather they are rude or kind

  3. ARE YOU SURE HE WAS A COP? Just wondering, cops do not run with the person to the bus station or even board the bus of the person under surveillance or chance upon in a wanted poster.

    POLICE OFFICERS those I knew who studied very well in police academy don't let the cops be known to be cops unless it is necessary and got no other choice. But in your case, he expose himself to the suspect if ever you are the one they really wanted, which to me is unwise and unprofessional. My assessment is HE IS NOT A COP, but someone who pretend to be one and just curious to know your name or presumable like you or whatever. Cops do not asked personal questions like 'i saw you running and asked where you were coming from...' cops do not asked personal question such as these one. LET US PRESUME he is a cop, for example you said I AM CANDY NOT ERICA, then the cops will just leave you alone and asked nothing further concerning you. Some civilian cops would even show you his badge number and ID, did this one show his? I DO NOT THINK SO. So I presume he is not a real cop, even today's technology, one can just buy a badge and a number from some novelty shops. An imitation from the real one.

    DON'T BE TOO SURE, since you said this town is a racist town. You think you are lucky this guy is nice? YOU DIDN'T NOTICE most cops behaviour? REAL COPS YELL, fake cops play it nice and cool.

    REAL COPS do not follow his subject like in your case, in the bus or terminals, most cops will go to your house or home in uniform of course and inquire all about you, not follow someone around the city. THIS IS NOT A JOB OF A REAL COPS. Even in the movies I never saw one cop followed subject and just asked her name or his name and chat with the subject. This is completely ridiculous to chat with you  if he is really a cop.

    NEXT TIME THIS THING HAPPEN TO YOU AGAIN, and someone followed you in one of the usual buses you frequently ride on, and introduce himself to you as cop, just simply tell him " YOU DON'T LOOK LIKE A COP", and he will probably asked you "WHY WHAT DOES COP LOOK LIKE?" you tell him "OH...SLIK, SLIM AND GOOD LOOKING" and he will return back "DON'T WORRY THIS IS JUST MY DISGUISE". joke!

  4. Your friend was probably right.

    While I have remembered persons that I dealt with ten years ago and forgotten ones I dealt with last month - LEO's can not remember everyone and you probably looked similar to someone he wanted or was wanted.  They race thing I just don't jump into believing - it is so over used - an abused.  You were probably treated fairly because you were treating him fairly - you answered a question or two and were on your way.  The trouble can begin when your evasive - because then his suspicions get aroused.

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