
Why did vampires become so popular all of a sudden. i was interested in the stuff years before.?

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i am tired of hearing all these people saying "i love edward, don't you?"




  1. clean my basement

  2. It is not all of a sudden.  The interest in vampires has been growing since the early to mid 1990s.

    There was Vampire the Masquerade (a live action role playing game).  Then there were a large number of Vampire movies and books.

    (Underworld movie series, Blade series, ...).

    The Twilight books are just the latest in a line of books to come out about being a vampire.  Some of the books and movies made it look cool to be a vampire and so people got interested in vampires.

    So, people go with what is cool at the time.  Once the Twilight series comes to an end if another movie or book does not come out the interest will die down.  But since individuals are making money on vampires (and do not have to pay a royalty for using them or create a new mythos from scratch) you will continue to see books and movies about vampires, thus keeping the interest up (which is what they want so they can sell more books and movies, thus making more money, which will prompt them to make more movies and books, thus keep the interest up and so on).

    If they stop making money you'll stop seeing vampire interest.

  3. The Vampire Chronicles by Anne Rice. An ex-boyfriend of mine worked for years to get me to read The Vampire Lestat and When I finally did I ended up reading every book in The Vampire Chronicles even to the point of waiting breathlessly for each new one coming out. I've met a lot of people who got turned on to vampires through them.  

  4. be not afraid of the ones who only want to make you immortal


  5. lately its those twilight books.  But the interest in vampires has been around as the guy above me point out, longer than that.  I read an interesting note once that during times of 'plague' the interest in vampires tends to surge.  I have no idea why - blood born disease, desire for immortality - pale sickly looking people - but I did notice that vampires had a resurgence in popularity right about the time AIDS started to come to the public attention.  Heck, there could be a hundred reasons blood suckers have seen an upswing of interest but I suppose the 'plague' excuse is as good as any.

  6. It's becuz you are ahead of the curve and now everyone wants to be like u now, watch what u like now everyone will like in a couple years

  7. its the stupid twilight books.

    i hate them, they aren't even that well written.

    I'm the same as you.

  8. the new reason is the twilight books. i like the series but get really tired of all the edward mania. i've been interested in vamps since i was a teen, but it just seems to be really popular in cycles.

  9. read twilight its like the best book ever its a billion times better than harry potter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! its nothing to do with magic its a romance book

  10. GASP!!! what? tired of hearing it? R  U  CRAZY??? edward is awesome! and have u even read the book? probly not or u wouldnt be saying that! EDWARD IS MY HERO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    and it shows that yur name doesnt meant u have things in common!

  11. lol, it's because of Twilight by Stephanie Meyer, prop. the books are addicting.  they are really good, and stuff 4 books all together, i'm pretty sure that's why! ^_^

  12. Vampires are popular almost all the time.

    You didnt even need to read twilight.

    I read Saga of Darren Shan long before I started twilight.

    It shows that anyone can fall in love wit fictional vampires as long as the book is written nice.

    and to te first person who answerd: why don't you write one and publish it, if you're so good at commenting other people's works?

  13. hahahahah yous ound like those people who are in love with the jonas brothers and hate people who didnt love them before they got famous. and thats exactly it cuz of twilight and all them thats why theyre popular plus its not all like scary its more romance which of course all girls love lol

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