
Why did we change from the name Arawaks to Tainos?

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Dont u understand what I mean? Why do you have to call Arawaks Tainos now?




  1. The Tainos are actually Arawakans people. just like the native americans had many tribes, the arawaks are made up of different tribes, in this case it was discovered that the Tainos were the inhabitants of Jamaica. The Tainos were first discovered by Columbus in 1494.

  2. It was recently discovered that Arawak is the name of the language and a group of people as a whole (TRIBE)  similarly for the change of caribs to kalinagoes

  3. Tainos are actually just a simple sub division of the Arawaks. They were all (mayas, caribs, incas, arawaks ect...) classified under the group Amerindians .... & Tainos is a group classified under the Arawaks... we call them Tainos now just to be more specific because Arawaks lived in other places too...Cuba is one such example.

  4. Each had a different sub-language...  A different culture and also they moved into the Caribbean region (from the Orinoco region of Venezuela) at different periods of history....

  5. Arawaks and Tainos are two different tribes or groups of people, just like caribs, mayans. Tainos lived in Jamaica, but in much smaller numbers than arawaks, so history books sometimes do not mention them.

  6. No we did not change the name. We only defined the specific group Tainos that were in Jamaica at the time Columbus visited.

  7. I agree with Jo-D

  8. Well am Jamaican but i heard that it had Arawak and tainos and caribs they was the one we enter the caribbean Tianos went here Jamaica and cuba haiti santodomingo and most caribs went st.vicent and greneda,trindad,st.kitts,st.lucia,ect

    and arawaks went to aruba,bonaire,curacoa,but when christopher colmbus discover the caribbean he thought he was in india trought the people look like indian so he name all of them indian but people say that arawak was the langauge from tianos but i know that when the brittish discover Jamaica the tiano race died out but if u go by dominica u will still find the caribs indian till today even in peurto rico

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