
Why did we get screwed by a well known charity?

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I own a non profit wrestling organization that does a lot of charity work.

Recently we caught the attention of another non profit Children's organization, who were interested in having us join an event they were planning. They suggested we bring in former WWE stars to attract more people to the event. Not once did they sign either contract we've given. Tickets were 35$ a piece and we have stated it was too much numerous times, but we tried selling anyway.

Now its less than a month away, and they decide to pull us from the show. They said they had less to lose by pulling our portion. This was after we put on a wrestling show at their camp for free in 97 degree weather. The fact that we're being pulled, defeats the entire purpose of the event, being to raise money for the kids, and calling it a "family outing" when not a single activity at their event allows children because of alcohol, except for our portion of the show, which was pulled.

Our company still would like to hold our own event, seeing that all WWE stars were already paid for and is not possible to get the deposit back. All proceeds go to the same charity that screwed us. Does anyone know of anyone or would be interested donating or possibly sponsoring us? Its for a good cause. Please let us know at




  1. You were screwed by a well known charity because they wanted to use your charitable nature against you.

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