
Why did we have Saddam Hussein killed?

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When we pulled him out of that spider hole, why didn't we dust him off, get him a haircut and shave, and put him back in power as "our man in Iraq"?

He had no military.

He had no weapons.

He knew how to keep the oil flowing.

He knew how to keep the Iraqi people from killing each other.

He did a half-way decent job of keeping Iran at bay.

And if he ever got out of line, we could always smack him around some to show him who's really got the nuclear balls.




  1. He was also a d!ck.

    But the world is full of them. Where to start with the hangings....

  2. "WE" didn't kill him, an Iraqi court found him guilty of heinous crimes against humanity and strung him up.We would have put him on Oprah so he could tell a tale of neglect and how he was completely misunderstood.I am sure Opera would have convinced all the ladies that he deserved a second chance and that he should get his WMD back because he paid for them.

  3. Saddam had failed to follow daddy Bush's orders...

    so the grocery clerks sent a delivery boy to collect

    the bill.

  4. The wages of his sins was paid!  The Iraqis had the trial and carried out the sentence.

  5. The only reason he was able to stop Iraqis from killing each other and keeping Iran at bay is because he had complete control of the military, and he could kill anyone he wanted.  

    This guy was happy that 3000 of our citizens died on September 11th.

    The American people would never accept him being back in power.

  6. very insightful......but thems the breaks for being a murderer!

  7. We didn't the Iraqi people did.  

  8. My belief:  Because he is not a New World Order player.  He wasn't willing to play ball with the globalists.

    It's all laid out in a book called "The Pentagon's New Map", by Thomas Barnett.  Many of the nations in the Middle East are led by governments that don't want to give up their sovereignty to the New World Order.  For this reason, they are being attacked, invaded and destabilized.  

    Of course, the Ministry of Propaganda (mainstream media) continues to pump our lies about "Weapons of Mass Destruction" and eminent attacks by "Islamofascists".

  9. 1.  We didn't have him killed, The people of Iraq did because he murdered thousands of his own people.    2. Mustard gas is a   wmd.      3.  You need a time out

  10. To cover up the Republicans' and neo-n***s' history as his long-time ally.

  11. OMG....He was given a timeline by the UN which he chose to blatantly ignore....and he knew what the consequences would be and the world is a lot better off without the despot!

  12. Because he was killing thousands of people.

  13. He was killed by HIS own people for crimes against humanity. He personally, raped, and murdered, men and women alike. He ordered the killings of many more for not agreeing with him. He, more than once, ordered the killing of his whole inner circle. AND his own son-in-law!

    Where have you been? Do you not remember any of this?

    Had he not continued to provoke th US, he would still be  alive. And there is also that little incident when he tried to kill George Bush the 1st. He was on a mission for the US to the middle east. Bill Clinton was president then. HE should have naield Hussein then.

    Sorry, I have gotten off track.  The Iraqi government put him to death after what has got to be, the first fair trial in Iraqi history. It was monitored by the US.

    DO you remember when, while standing on the gallows, Saddam asked to have the noose moved a bit? It was positioned to rip off his head. He was angered by this. How did he know what they were trying to do? Because he had done this to others himself, that's how.

    He was a sick and evil man. Iraq is better off without him.

  14. You've got to be kidding me? Seriously I hope your not that friggin stupid!

  15. Republican propaganda.

  16. He didn't behave ?

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