
Why did we kill Saddam Hussein?

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I heard that Sadam wanted to raise gas prices, but im not sure thats the reason we killed him, please give deeper insight on the subject




  1. We did not kill Saddam.  'We' just dragged him out of his hole in the ground.  His Shite cousins killed him for mass murder.  Or were you out at the time?

    He and his sons were having their way with too many of their 'cousins' women.

  2. Not raise gas prices, he was going to switch oil trading to Euros from dollars...and you see now that the US dollar is in the toilet gas price go through the roof

    we also had to kill Saddam so he wouldnt spill the beans about all the sht we did to help him start the Iran/Iraq war

  3. The US didn't even buy oil from Saddam.  His prices had nothing to do with the invasion.

    The reason was that, in the light of post-9/11 consciousness of terrorism, it was decided that Saddam needed to be dealt with.  He headed a classic "terrorist state."  He employed terrorism routinely against his own citizens as a way to keep them under control.  And he supported numerous terrorist organizations abroad.  He used weapons of mass destruction against Iraqi citizens and against his enemies in his wars of aggression.  His support for terrorist organizations was both financial and political.  

    Since Al Qaeda was already on the run, it was thought best to stop Iraq's support of international terrorism.  As added bonuses, there were the prospect of bringing democracy to Iraq, and keeping our enemies busy in the Middle East so that they could not so easily attack US soil.

    And the US did not kill Saddam.  The US captured him and turned him over to the Iraqi government for trial and punishment.  Iraqis rightfully killed Saddam.

  4. we didnt kill him,his people did,and unlike our justice system,their justice is taken immeadily.saddam was hung for crimes against humanity!!!

  5. ummm...maybe because he was a mean dictator who killed many innocent people?

    uh duh!

  6. "We" did not kill him. He was found guilty of crimes against humanity by his own people and hung by the neck until dead.

  7. You are on the right track...

    The first thing Saddam did was become our Ally and our proxy to fight Iran in the early 80's.  We gave him all sorts of military help, including chemical weapons, to fight the hostage takers in Iran.  Our ships and air force even aided him directly in 1988 in Operation Praying mantis.

    Where it all went wrong for Saddam is when he determined that to repay and rebuild his war torn country he would reclaim Kuwaitt as part of Iraq.  Eventhough Kuwaitt was indeed formerly always part of Mesopotamia, an attack on an oil gulf state was a bad move against an oil US president in G.Bush.  The combination of his anti-Israeli rhetoric and his agression on our oil emirs was grounds for turning against him.

    Ironically, a secular tyranical Saddam selling us oil for cheap at this point may have been much more advantageous to American interests but to ensure that he not grow too strong to threaten Israel we decided to continue dealing with the fundamentalist emirs we had dealings with already.

    Following his defeat in the Gulf war, we chose to leave him in power for fear of creating a power vacuum and indirectly supporting a Shia resurgence allied with Iran.  Both of which our current war doubtlessly proved to be accurate but ignored.

    In the end, Saddam was going to price his oil in Euros.  Considering the US dollar is the currency choice for oil trading and is a hedge against American inflation by international markets, a shift to the Euro would not make gas more expensive but rather might lead to the abandonement of dollar reserves for other countries.  Such an accurance would put the dollar in free fall. (Instead of the slow fall we have now)

    Our internationalist elites decided it was time to help our Israeli Likud friends take out a lifelong enemy and be able to privatize off the spoils of war in the process.  Now in our future conflict with Iran, our only Allies in Iraq will be the ones we had back in the 80's.... Saddam's.

    The reasons for war will likely be the same, those who profit as well.

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