
Why did you HONESTLY get MARRIED? Were you in love or was it what society(family and the rest) expected?

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-Did you think it's want human do, so i have to get married?

-Is it because you were having a child or had a child with your now or then spouse.

-Did you think marriage would improve your status in what ever situation you were in?

-Did you see marriage would improve your relationship with the person you were with?

-Were you crazy in love and Did the love you felt change as in more/less once you got married?

WHat was the real reason you never told any one or would never tell any one face to face?

BE HONEST. If you can't be honest PLEASE don't answer. ( I know this is yahoo answers and there is always a fool in the crowd but i'm looking for the honest people..after all we all don't know you)





  1. Because I was confused. I know I was not in love though I love him. I did not want to dissapppoint people around me(wrong reasons to get married).

    I'm still married because i don't know how to end this marriage. I'm only 30 years old and i feel stuck.

  2. I didn't get married for the first and only time until I was 47.  I married for love, commitment, companionship, security, until death do we part.  I have NEVER been happier in my life than I am right now sharing life with my man.  I am so happy and proud to say that I waited for the right man and I did not settle for anything less.  He is worth every lonely night I endured and because I experienced that loneliness, I appreciate him even more.  Don't give up looking.  It is never too late, but don't settle for what you know is wrong to please other people.

  3. i got married because i was in love and pregnant and was already engaged to be marry to him but we were rushed into marriage by family members stating to get married before the baby was born. The only reason i am still married is that I keep believing him when he says he is going to change even though he hasn't but i am getting ready to go because i can't handle a physically abuse relationship, or the verbal abuse to much longer. It's not going to work.

  4. We had been living together for 10 years and our friends would say "You're more married unmarried than most married couples."  We wanted to buy a house and had seen what a friends family can/did do if one of the unmarrieds dies suddenly, it was not pretty.  Neither of us thought our families would be so heartless in the same situation BUT...  We married on our tenth anniversary and thankfully the piece of paper changed nothing except the right of survivorship.  Twenty-eight years this September and I am fairly certain he is as satisfied in our marriage as I am.

    oh...our reasons to marry have never been hidden.

  5. I was crazy in love when I met my husband and broke up with a boyfriend of 3 years to be with him.

    We got pregnant accidentally after only a few months and he proposed to me. I was blown away and thrilled and excited and planned a simple but beautiful wedding in 2 1/2 months.

    We have had our ups and downs and were even separated for a year and a half, but it is telling that neither of us went ofr the legal process in all that time. There were times I imagined life with someone else.

    What's really shown through is that we are still in love after all these years. He's always there for me and respects me and that's what every wife should have.

    We now have three children, ages 15, 12 and 5 and are so happy raising them and seeing them grow. We are a very close family and rich in love. I would want everyone to have that.

    We are coming up on our Sweet Sixteen anniversary and life is amazing.

    Having said that, one reason our separation was not permanent was because it showed our kids need both of us. It's not that I went back to him for the kids, but our family works a lot better when we are together. I do love our life, but my love for him as an individual may not have been enough to keep us together if it was just the two of us.

    Brutal honesty. Wow. :-)

  6. honestly - when i first got married, i was 19, my man was 23.. he was an illegal mexican.. we moved in together after having known each other for 3 months... he wasnt able to keep a job and blamed part of it on the fact that he couldnt get a good on, because he didnt have a social.. so, i figured, if we get married, he can get his greencard and we'll have a chance at a normal life.. so, one month b4 i turned 20, we eloped.. i never told my family... 3 years later, we had a 'pretend' wedding, and everyone thought that was our real wedding day... things didnt change.. he was always a bum, with or without the green card... i was too young and blind to see it at that age.. when i was 26, after 6 years of marriage and 6 months of separation, we got divorced... i hated him so much by kids, thankk god..

    now, the man i am with, i really really want to marry!!! i want to marry him because he is wonderful... i feel so proud to walk with him and say he is my man, and his daughters adore me... i cant wait to be the mother of our children.. i love him dearly and want to call him my husband, and want him to call me his wife.. he is divorced also, however, he is afraid, so he says, to get married again.. i believe i am in somewhat of a test - i already know that there is a possibility we wont get married, ever.. i know that our love is so great and strong that it doesnt matter... he wont let me down.. he will take care of me, we will stay together forever... i believe he wants to see that really happen, and when he truly believes that i am willing to work through anything to make us work, he will marry me.. i want the bond that being a husband and wife will create.. and he knows it.. but, either way, i will stay with him.. because i love him and we better each other...

  7. I got married because there was a bun in the oven. I decided to step up to the plate and handle my responsibility. What a mistake that was... I have been a babysitter for a 38 year old woman for eleven years.  

  8. Because I was getting tired of being just the "girlfriend" and I was tired of playing "house". We have been together for 12 yrs and this October will be our 1st wedding anniversary.

  9. I met my husband when I was 14.   We  were together for 7 straight years, he was my first.  We  broke up for 1.5 years, dated other people.  I then got pregnant by him at 22. We stayed together, then broke up again when my son was 4 months. We were apart for about 1.5 years again, then I started to really like someone and got scared so I broke up with the guy and started dating my husband again. I wanted a real brother or sister for my son so we decided to get married to have another baby cause i didn't want to have another baby without being married.  I was  26 and getting an itch for another baby and I was really concerned about my son having a brother or sister fairly close in age to him.  We were in love as well, not crazy head over heels in love, but in love and had so much history so we were happy. I got pregnant on my wedding night. This September will be 2 years of marriage and about 2 weeks ago I was ready to call it quits. I feel that we haven't grown at the same rate and I was more mature than him.  After telling him I wanted to leave, he seems to have understood that he needs to grow as well. As of right now I am here, I love him, and would love to stay as a family. I am attractive and can probably get any guy I want, even with 2 kids so  I am not one of those who are here just because she thinks she can't find someone else. I am here for my family, if he doesn't keep up what he's doing by May, I am leaving. We'll see....  

  10. because i was stupid, naive and/or bored, both times. im not still married.

  11. I thought  i married my husband for love but i realize it was lust.  Now i regret making this commitment with someone that has truly shown his true self.  He's very immature and irresponsible and i don't know how much more i can take. I have to make a decision before things get any worst between us.

  12. I got married cause i was and still am very much in love with my husband and wanted to spend the rest of my life with him that why i got married.

    And yes we are still married and have been happily married 17+yrs.

  13. no




    yes, yes

    because I wanted to

    because I believe in it, and most of the time I really love it

  14. I don't rember much, its a blur, was it real or was it a dream, maybee I was hammered and don't rember, for real

  15. I have been Married for Fifty years, and have never been happier, the reason my Husband and I, got married was for Love, we Loved each other a lot, and the children came later,I was Sixteen years old and he was Eighteen, we still are very happy with each other.

  16. i married for love and its the best thing i have ever done except for having our daughter. being married to my husband is a joy everyday.

  17. I had the need to breed and getting married was a sure thing that my incubator would stick around .  

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