
Why did you become a Vegetarian or Vegan?

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i became a Vegetarian

because i needed

better sense of eating

and also i love dairy especially cheese

i LOVED meat before

but then i thought about certain things that

made me become one thanks to that

i lost a LOT of weight and I'm happy with it

Why did you become one?( I'm just wondering)

<3 Jojo




  1. Well I&#039;m not quite a vegetarian yet but right now I&#039;m cleansing my body and once I&#039;m done I plan on becoming a vegetarian. I chose to be a vegetarian because meat is so processed and so unhealthy. Animals aren&#039;t being raised anymore they&#039;re being grown and it can&#039;t be good for my body.  

  2. is not right to eat another living creature. i hate it when ppl r all like &quot;plants have feelings too!&quot;

    that is g*y

  3. i&#039;ve been a vegetarian for 2 1/2 years.

    i became a vegetarian because meat IS murder, its horrible, animals shouldnt be treated in such bad ways!

  4. Because I don&#039;t believe animals are ours to use for food or anything else.

  5. I become a vegetarian because as a young age my grandparents showed me a video on how a cow came to yuor plate and i felt sick when we had lambchops for dinner. I puked and from then on i was a vegetarian.  

  6. It&#039;s good for me, good for the earth.

    There is an annoying connection made by many people that the way things are going is necessarily good, and/or inevitable. Perhaps the current trends are bad, and the future will not be as good as it could be. Perhaps things are heading a certain way, but this does not mean that we are powerless to stop them, nor does it mean that we should not try. This argument does not work either. One has to supply actual reason for vegetarianism, and this is not a reason, it is just an excuse at best.

    I became a Vegan because I was told about what happens to meat in the gut. It stays there for ages and rots, getting infected with bacteria. The animal toxic goes into the brain and soul.

  7. because animal cruelty sucks and meat is murder

  8. When I was a child, the only thing I ate was chicken nuggets. At some point, pre-teen age, I realized how disgusting that was. I told my parents (my dad is an avid hunter) that I wasn&#039;t going to be eating meat anymore. They were devastated at first, as my dad is very *country* and takes pride in hunting. But, ultimately they supported me and my dad planted a garden just for me. My mom made all my meals vegetarian, on the side of their meals. I haven&#039;t eaten meat in 16 years and it helped that my parents were respectful of my choices as a child.  

  9. because eating animals is rude. do pigs and cows eat us? no. so disrespectful.

  10. I became vegetarian because ive always loved animals and saw a few videos with like squaling pigs and stuff hanging upside down being murdered. i cant stand the idea of that.

    i hate the way society treats vegetarians, like, it may come up in conversation with people and then they&#039;ll be all like oh this and that about how im gonna get sick and die without meat.

    its a personal decision every other heartless person needs to seriously back off.


  11. I was grown up in a small village.

    Behide my house (0.5km away) is a pig slaughter house.

    Every morning around 5am sure can hear the pig screaming.

    Now after reading some online artical about cruelty to animal.

    I decided to become vegetarian.

    I also try not to consum egg, milk and daily product.

  12. i saw &quot;meat your meat&quot; and i literally felt sick untill i decided to become a vegetarian two days later. i couldnt believe the abuse! i felt responsible. now that i have done more research, i see that it is also better for the planet and my health, but animals will always be the ones that keep me from ever eating meat again.

  13. I&#039;m thinking about becoming a vegetarian, and I&#039;m most likely going to do it, because I got sent an e-mail that was a link from Youtube. The video was called  Meet your Meat, and it was atrociously HORRIFYING!!!!! OH MY GOD, I think I almost threw up after watching that video. I cried, and remembered ALL the times I ate chicken strips, hamburgers, and got that 16 oz. filet mignon. I felt so bad, for being part of the responsibility for what is happening to these poor, innocent animals!  So yeah, for all those people out there, vegetarian OR carnivore, you need to go onto Youtube and type in Meet your Meat, exactly like what I typed previously. WATCH IT!!!!!! GO!!!! NOW!!!! FOr the sake of the animals, your health, and the environment!!!!

  14. I became a Vegetarian because I can not eat meat. For whatever reason, I can not digest meat, and I become really sick after I eat it.

  15. I can&#039;t eat meat. No one in my family is quite sure why. I think there&#039;s something in it I&#039;m allergic to.

    If I eat meat, I have a sudden drop of appetite that can last for hours, and sometimes I can even get a really bad stomach ache.

    It might be because of some type of protein or something in it, I&#039;m not sure. Protein filled beans are no problem for me, though.  

  16. I became one because I just love animals. How could I love animals and eat them too? I could never condone what they do to animals.

  17. Karma.

    I couldn&#039;t bring myself to even kill an insect, never mind an an animal.  I won&#039;t make someone else do it for me and I won&#039;t take part in any of the process.

  18. I became I vegan

    when when I saw a bunch of movies about

    animal rights  

  19. LIFE LONG veggie right here! sorry, i&#039;m such a braggart! ^_^ I just saw meat, fish, chicken and i was like &quot;EW!&quot; and that was that.

    Later in life i saw the videos, read the info, etc. and i proclaimed myself a vegetarian! Now i&#039;m really into the whole animals rights stuff. heck, i&#039;m the kind of person you would see throwing red paint at fur hags ^_^ (okay, i&#039;ve never done that, but i sooo want to!)

  20. the health reasons, the ethical reasons, and the environmental reasons.

  21. The Golden Rule / ethic of reciprocity.

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