
Why did you choose your dog(s)?

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How many of you researched your breed or mix before purchasing/adopting?

It seems that the trend these days is to purchase a dog based on which breeds/mixes are trendy, or (even worse) based on looks alone.

So, what criteria were you looking to fill when it came to your dog?

And, for those of you that purchased/adopted impulsively, did you get what you expected? More? Less?




  1. i know! I picked a chihuahua because i wanted a dog that had little messes, ate little amounts of food,  travels well, someone who would love me no matter what, who is very cuddly, and i wanted something little i could nurture, and a chihuahua fit that mold perfectly! People think I'm so concieted because i have a chi, but i dont spoil her or anything. she has a coat and a sweater for winter because she gets cold and thats it.

  2. I got Bailey about 10 years ago.  I had worked with him for months before I said I would take him.  He was a service dog drop out b/c of his fear issues.  I knew a fair amount about the GSD breed, but it really doesn't apply much with him (even though he looks like one).  He was a total disaster, and even I wasn't completely ready for him.  Today, I'm so proud of how far he's come there are no words to describe it.

    Lilly I just got recently from a rescue.  I used pet finder for her.  I searched for a female of medium size that had a mellow personality and was of a breed I knew I could deal with.  (My concern was as much about getting a dog I liked as getting a dog Bailey liked)  No particular breed, really...but I wouldn't have gotten a breed I knew I didn't want to deal with.  (Husky, for example, while beautiful - NOT the dog for me)  When I went to meet her, I knew within an hour that she was going to be perfect.  I still to this day don't know how I got so lucky to have found her.  

    Lilly was listed as a GSD mix.  I was pretty sure that was inaccurate b/c she's only 40lbs at adult weight.  After watching her for the couple months I've had her, there's no question she's got border collie or aussie in her, which is great b/c I'm a herding group kinda  

  3. i got my two dogs from a friend i helped the rest of th puppies were put down =( i did allot of research on the dog breeds before i got baby and Jacob =)


  5. My mom took our 16 y/o Pointer to be put to sleep [she was having seizures, blind, ect.] and the vet had just rescued a GSP and her puppy. My mom debated telling my dad and I, because she didn't know if she wanted another pointer, but eventually told us. We ended up with Maggie. It wasn't "impulsive," per say, but she is one of those nutty rescues. Our first [English] Pointer was a resuce from the pound- my mom wanted a shorthaired, interesting looking dog. They knew NOTHING about pointers, but she turned out to be an awesome dog.

    Spencer was supposed to be a Beagle. LOL- he's mabye 1/8th Beagle? He was a Free to good home because the couple had just had a baby.

    Our service dog foster, Toby, is just that- a foster. He'll make a great Service dog though.

  6. I went to the pet store one day and there was this adorable little male german shepherd puppy for sale.  I begged my parents for him and I got him.  So basically I chose my dog because I thought he was the cutest pup I had ever seen and he also had a good personality.  

  7. I wanted rescue Beagles after I lost my 2 Beagles of 15 and 16 years. I love Beagles because they are very smart and loving, very sleek and beautifully marked. They do funny things that make me laugh every day! And each is very different. I have never been disappointed in a Beagle. In fact, they are so dear, I love them like children.

    They look like large puppies with large feet and eyes and ears, and they make the cutest AROOO sound when they bay. I love them more than can be imagined. They love chewies.

  8. I impulsively bought my first American Pit Bull Terrier, Virgo.  I picked her out of the litter, because she ignored me.  She was more interested in eating, and I wanted her to love me like the other pups!  What I ended up getting was a horribly clingy, unruly dog who climbed on the counters, ate the dishes, set two places on fire, chewed up couches, beds, bras, pants, shoes, and a plethora of other things.

    Needless to say, owning an APBT without prior research, and knowledge, was a REALLY STUPID idea.

    Since then, I have researched and studied beyond the normal realms.  I feel pretty confident in my knowledge of the breed, however, I am SURE there will never be a shortage of knowledge to learn.

    My second dog, Bryce, I picked out of the litter.  I picked him, partly because he was male, and I already had a female, and partly because he was black, and I already had a brown dog.  (The litter consisted of mostly brown, and black, and mixtures and patterns thereof.)  And then... when his speckles came in... I was hooked for life!!!

    Needless to say, because of my prior knowledge and ability to control and manage my dogs, Bryce wasn't a psycho like Virgo was, and Virgo calmed down tremendously!

  9. I chose mine because they were sooooo cute...OMG Rachel, you have no idea!!!

    I saw their little eyes and I immediately thought, "can I fit one of these little monsters in my Channel bag"?

    They are so adorable when they are puppies, really!!

    Of course I have no idea what they are, I really don't care, as long as they are cute. I always wanted a doggy and now I have one.

    I am going to the mall later and I am getting a nice, pink leash with fake diamonds on it, it will look fabulous on his neck!

    I am sure he will be good for a few months and then I am going to dump his sorry little butt somewhere, I cannot stand dogs that grow up and want to be trained and eat a lot of food..yack!!!

    Hey, how long do you think I can take him out and show him before he starts costing me any money>>

  10. I saved my bullmastiff from a horrible breeding situation.  He was the puppy of brother and sister parents.  He turned out amazing and I love him.  It was impulse and heart that I got him.

    My other dog I got from a shelter I looked her up on line on petfinder as well as a few others.  We went to the shelter and she was gorgeous but she was in the process of being taken home.  I left my number in case they got anymore dogs like her.  I got a call the next day that the people decided not to take her home so I FLEW to the shelter and brought her home.

    I would not change my mind about either of my dogs, I love them too much!

  11. We have a pit bull mix. We knew that they get big and strong and can have a stubborn personality. That is the kind of dog we wanted. We gave her lots of training, discipline and love and she is such a loving dog. She plays very gently with her new 6 month old kitten sister. They love each other very much. Training is key to a great dog!

  12. I know this isn't a very popular answer, but he was my christmas gift from my husband.  I know some people don't approve of giving them as gifts, but I missed our lab so much and had told him that I really wanted another doggie companion again.  We always had large dogs previously, but with the medical problems I have, my husband though I would be able to handle a smaller breed easier, which was true.  He got me a shih tzu.  I did find out about him a week or two before he brought him home and I did do a lot of research on the breed, etc.  I still read on them a lot and it has been a continuing learning experience, a positive one.  He was my first actual puppy, as we always took in adults before, so that was definitely a new learning experience.  But he's been such a wonderful companion, I couldn't have asked for more.

  13. I wanted a dog that was a high energy breed, athletic, independent, something different.. primitive.

    I have always been around Siberians in one way  or another, I didn't always know this is the breed I wanted to own, but when I did start to do my research on the breed, I knew this was the breed for me.

    The more I read, the more I feel in love with them and the more it became clearer that this was THE breed!

    the missing puzzle piece.

    If this breed was NOT for me I would not have gotten one.

    I adore Saint Bernards but they are not the breed for me. As much as I love this breed, I would not take them on. I am not selfish person. That breed of dog deserves the right owner, the right lifestyle and mine simply would not be any good for them.

  14. I didnt choose my dogs they chose me!!

    I had been fostering for my local shelter...not looking for a dog at the time...and my 1st foster EVER I loved, she is great!!

    same story for my other 4, they were fosters I became too close to let go

    so I basically had a "trial run" with all the dogs

  15. Before I even went into the shelter I took out lots of books on dogs and read a little bit about as many dog breeds as I could, so I'd at least know what to expect. Then when I got to the shelter, Judge chose us, and I just kept researching beagles.

    Maybe we shouldn't have gotten the beagle, hehe

  16. My husband wanted Max our APBT, I didn't. I didn't want anything to do with a pit bull from all the hear say horror stories i was told. But I started to do research to see if the breed would fit our lifestyle and if I could handle it. After reading and reading and reading I realized how awesome the breed was, so we got Max. And I haven't regretted it since, he is an amazing dog with a great personality. I wouldn't trade him for anything.

    Penny was a mutt, you never know what to expect with them. She was from an accidental litter that shouldn't have happened. The mother dog didn't even want the litter so I helped to feed them and fell in love with the ugly little mutt and took her home. So i guess you could say it was impulsive And no, I got nothing like I expected. I figured I was getting a little woos and I would always have to watch her and our pit. I was wrong, the little thing will get down with the best of them and roll all over the yard with our pit. Get trampled on and get right back up without making a sound.

  17. personally I didn't choose the breed, I actually did not want a dog, I wanted another cat, but I went to look at a litter of Weimaraner puppies for my father who wanted to get one.   That day I went home with a puppy for his family.  Fast forward 3 years she's still with me.  I got a much better dog than what I expected.  I totally thought I would never want a Weimaraner they were too high maintenance but my dog is great, it could be from all the training I've done but other than that I'm totally happy with the breed.  My father and his family went and picked out their own Weimaraner and his is a nightmare.

  18. yeah, i researched my dogs main breed, Border Collie. i asked friends who owned BC's their experiences with the breed. and i called a local breeder who let me come out and ask questions. i also talked to my dog's vet about them. but ultimately when it came to choosing the puppy that i would take home, i based it on the fact that he was the smallest and the sickest, and he needed more help than any of the rest did. and i will be the first to admit it, i paid a BYB who kept her dogs in calf houses outside, 25 dollars for my dog. and to this day i regret ever doing that, but what i got was a great dog with a zany personality and i couldn't be any happier right now.

  19. I knew I was going to be living alone in a small/medium sized apartment so I looked up dogs that would keep me from feeling alone and sad, but also a dog I could actually handle.

    So after calls to many pet stores around the area to see what breeds were in the store or what breeds they were expecting.. and research I decided on my little Yorkshire Terrier.

    I wasn't very aware of the big "Yorkie" fad going on, with the long hair in pony tails and berrets, etc. untill I started meeting other people who had Yorkies while walking down the street.. Automatically they assumed I was some posh yuppie girl.

    I was originally going to get a Bull Terrier, but they are very strong dogs and once he's full grown I might have trouble trying to establish that I'm the dominant one..

    Anyway, after I bought (Fork) my Yorkshire Terrier, I was instantly pleased with my decision -- I could already see the mischevious Terrier side, as well as his affectionate cuddly side.

    To this day we've been having a great time and even right now he's curled up asleep on my feet. :)

    Have a good one!

  20. I chose Tess Wolfhound x from the recommendation of a very old and wise friend (I was going for a Jack Russel).  Then I researched and thought yay that sounds like the dog for us.  No regrets, she is perfect.

    Ray I chose because I fell in love with with his nature and I have had experience with cattle dogs before and I wanted the challenge.  I got the challenge.... and I am still working on the challenge but I am still enjoying the challenge.

  21. My Sam (Golden) was chained at a dog house with about a two foot lead barking his head off.. I asked if I could somehow help by walking him or something and they were divorcing and wanted rid of the dog..I knew nothing about Goldens in particular but had dealt with animals all my life so I took the dog, burnt the doghouse. Turns out he was being trained to be a seeing eye and didn't make the grade. These folks bought him for allot of money and then didn't want him..He is the light of my life! Best dog ever!

    Destiny German Shepherd, I was training and they had a problem and weren't paying me so i got pick of the litter. I tossed her papers in the garbage, got her spayed and she is wonderful. But i have known Shepherds for 20 years prior.

    Cody is a foster he was being euthanized and one of my boys adopted him.

    "CC" She was from a byb who took pups to a picnic we were at and said anyone want a pup she is a papillion mix she is intelligent and wonderful!

    Good question, I can't wait to read the rest!

  22. It's kind of a funny story actually.

    We adopted as a family, in the Humane Society of our community, but our dog wasn't the dog I wanted, He was the total OPPOSITE! I wanted a small dog, but instead, the family voted on a bulldog, (an english bulldog to be exact.) I came in the adoption center with a total negative attitude, hating the fact that we were adopting this dog!

    Now, I love him to death. He's my best friend. My clownish little creature. I guess seeing his big roundish face and his anxious panting for me to take him out on walks brought me closer to him :)

    He's the best!

    Criteria: I guess I was just looking for a nice dog, that wouldn't bite me XD

    I got WAY more than what I expected.

    As I said before, he's the best :)

  23. Ahhh, I am guilty.  VERY guilty.  My first dog, Nekai, was a wolf dog.  I purchased her from a BYB when I was 14.  I knew nothing of these dogs, except what I knew about wolves.... and looking back, it wasn't much!

    I purchased THAT particular mutt because of the movie "Never Cry Wolf."  My curiosity and penchant grew even more-so when the Disney movie "The Journey of Natty Gann" was released - thank you so much Disney for exploiting breeds!!!!

    So no, I did basically next-to-no research in these dog, but there wasn't much way back then.  There's no excuse for people not to know what they're getting now, with books, DVD's and internet, and rescue facilities.

    Did I get what I expected?  No!  I had a dog who compulsively and instinctively dug, chewed, escaped, howled and chased and killed neighbourhood cats and chickens.  I got a dog who was afraid of people, I got a dog who was far more dominant than any dog I had ever known.  I had a dog who was naturally born to be possessive of what was hers, and what was mine.  I had a dog who did not love children, cats, other dogs and all animals the way that I had hoped.  I got a dog who was NOT a dog.

    Did I get more or less?  I got more.  I got far more than I ever expected.  She gave me the education and inspiration to make a life dedicated to helping others of her kind  

    I have them NOW because of misinformed people such as I was.  And I thank her for that.

  24. I got my first dog when I was a teenager and at that point, any dog was better than no dog.  She was a breed I've always loved but didn't know too much about.  She ended up being an amazing companion to me and I was fortunate to end up with such a good match for me.

    The two dogs I have now were researched in depth before I got either.  They both meet the needs I have for them and I'm glad I did my research :)

  25. I researched before buying.

    I wanted a small dog.  I wanted something that was "clingy" and needy.. a true lap dog.  I had a personality in mind of something that would enjoy being coddled and fussed over...  not neccisarrily something to dress up and do hair with, but a breed that enjoyed being snuggled and held.

    I wanted a breed with a sence of humour too.  Something playful, but yet also a dog that would lay in bed by my side if I was ill.

    I wanted something small.. but I wanted something different.  Most toy breeds just seemed to "common".. everyone had one.. and so many I met were overbred and just didnt have any kind of personality.

    Its not that I wanted something exotic, but I never was one to follow trends and have what "everyone else has".  I liked weird and different animals.

    I wanted that needy, emotional, childlike personality.  But I didnt just want another poodle or chihuahua.

    I spent months looking at different breeds and asking around about small dogs.  Someone piqued my interest when they offered me a Crested Powderpuff.  I didnt get the puff, but as I read more about the breed, I realized that the hairless Crested was the breed for me!

    As far as choosing the dog I have..  when I first decided on a Crested, there were not many in rescue.  Most were 7+ years old, had health issues and were in another state.  I wanted a young puppy that I could raise and train.  I had the time, the finances, and the knowledge on dealing with a pup at the time (if I was looking to add another now, I'd prefer a housebroken adult!)

    I researched reputable breeders and had a few in mind to choose from.  I had a first choice of breeder.. and I called her and inquired about a pet-quality hairless.  I told her abit about what I was wanting.  She told me to call back in 2 weeks, as she had pups, but they were not yet old enough to determine if they were pet or show.  When I called back a few weeks later, she had a nice little hairless male picked out for me.

    Personally I think its best to let the breeder select a pup.  She's been with the pups from the time they are born.  She knows their personalities better than anyone else.  When you go and pick yourself.. that normally laid back pup may just be in a playfull mood at the moment..  or the most playful one may be down for a nap after a morning of harrassing his littermates!  The breeder chose for me a fairly laid back pup who loved being held and snuggled.

    He's been my perfect little companion for the past 4 years now.

  26. Well, my sister-in-law was a Lab breeder for many years. She wanted us to have one of her puppies. I guess my husband told her how badly I wanted a dog when he went to Mass for his grandfather's funeral in February. So, she flew Eli to us in October. She passed away in December from cancer.

    I found out in August that we were getting one of her puppies, so, I immediately started researching the breed, brands of dog food, etc. The only criteria I was looking for was a loving pet, and, he is that and much more!

    When I adopted Molly, I had no intentions of getting another dog. However, I fell in love with her and couldn't leave her there. Her determination won me over. There was no criteria to meet. I have since researched the two breeds I was told that she was mixed with. Since she was an impulsive adoption, I guess I have gotten more than I expected.  

  27. My friend's husband is a preacher.  A family moved from Oregon to Indiana and then couldn't find work, so they were having to move back to Oregon.  They couldn't afford their dog, Tuba.  My friend's husband offered to take him as a farm dog.  He did fine as an outside dog except when it stormed, if they didn't leave the barn door open for him, he chewed it down.  They eventually became tired of replacing barn doors and were going to take him to a shelter.  I took him instead, thinking I was doing Tuba a huge favor.  

    About six months after taking Tuba into my home, my dog, Fritz became gravely ill and had to be euthanized.  I had a really hard time with this and if I didn't have Tuba it would have been a lot worse, so really Tuba did much more for me than I have done for him.

    All the dogs I have ever owned have chosen me.

  28. I had both Shelties and Cocker Spaniels growing up as a kid.

    When I finally decided to get my own first dog, 12 years ago, I researched all breeds, did all the dog/owner personality quizzes, etc. but I knew that I really did want a Sheltie - I just wanted to be sure that I was up to the requirements of the breed (grooming, exercise, allergies, etc.) Fortunately, none of those ended up being issues.

    When my 12 year old died this spring and I decided to get a new pup, I went back to the research, thinking that I should try another breed.  I looked at King Charles Cavalier Spaniels, Keeshond, Pomeranians, Papillons (as you can see, I like the long haired breeds!).  And then, yep, I went back to a Sheltie, who is now 18 weeks.  I guess I just love the breed!  

    So research is good - you have to know what you are getting into so you don't end up with a bad match.   Too many dogs end up in shelters because their owners didn't realize what the dog's needs would be.

  29. I choose my breed because I had wanted a papillon for nearly 15 years before I got one. My 4-H dog project leader when I was a kid showed (conformation and agility) & bred papillons, and I adored her dogs.

    Before getting a papillon for myself, I did the research to make sure that it was going to be a good fit. I wanted a small breed, active dog with a good temperament and not many health issues common to the breed. Papillons fit that.

    When I wanted a papillon, I looked up my former 4-H leader to see if she had any upcoming litters. She didn't but her of her dogs had just sired a litter, and it was a larger than average litter, so there were still a couple unclaimed puppies that didn't have wait-list people for them, I was lucky enough to get one. (I had been expecting to have to wait 4-6 months for a puppy, but I only had to wait a few weeks until they were ready to go.)


  30. I will admit I did not do any research on a breed that would suit me before getting my dog. However at the shelter I explained my situation and the situation at home and asked them which dog would suit me. So I did not go for looks alone.

    I chose the dog I have now because, at the shelter, she ran up to me and jumped up to give me a ton of kisses ^_^ . I could tell that she was so loving and excited that I got her and now I can't imagine life without her.

    At first, she was great but now she has become protective of me and barks at others. However I am trying to stop that and it has gotten a bit better but I would like her to stop completely. That is the only setback to her though. I love her to death. I am so glad I have chose her.  


    My dog is a mutt. She is a cross between hound/lab/beagle/JRT he he. A heinz 57 ^_^

    I really like this question by the way, I love reading about how everyone got their dogs so thanks (o^_')b

  31. My two older large dogs (both rescues) died the same year.  I waited a couple of months to decide to get another dog.  Spent about 4 months researching,  Dragged my husband kicking and screaming to dog shows.  (Some with meet the breeds events).  One by one narrowed my search for the breed.  Proceeded to convince husband that we needed a dog. (I believe everyone in the house needs to approve of getting a dog)  A pomeranian to be exact.  Dragged husband kicking and screaming to more dog shows,  bugged him mercilessly with websites and pictures,  Buttered him up by buying him a sports car for Valentines day.  Proceeded to look for dog,  Shelters, Breeders, dog shows.  Dragged husband kicking and screaming to look for dogs.    

    Looked at many poms of many ages (I wasn't particular about the age.  I knew what color I wanted, Black & Tan, or wolf Sable I knew what type I wanted. - Bear type, big coat, short face, little ears.  I knew what personality I wanted - Outgoing  for Therapy work.  I just had to find the right one.  I would know it when I met it.  

    Saw an ad for a black and tan Champion sired, Mother & Father on premises.  Health checks done.  They happened to have 2 litters available,  I really wanted an older one,  but it was close and I didn't have anything else to do that night.  So called husband and we went to look.  

    Looked into the eyes of a Chocolate - Wrong color: Foxy faced- wrong type.  little female and she told me that she belonged to me.  

    She was right.  

    Grieving for old dogs - 3 months,  Choosing breed - 4 - 5 months,  Finding dog - 6 months: convincing husband 7 months.

    Perfect Dog :  Priceless,

    BTW Husband is totally enamored of "His Daughter the pom"

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