
Why did you decide NOT to get that divorce?

by Guest64956  |  earlier

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you were considering, then said "nah"




  1. Because the love was still there and for me, my marriage meant a union with my husband till death. Also because my husband realized the same. Marriages are a lifetime commitment that is often dismissed so easily. I believe you should do all you can to make a marriage work and divorce would be the last resort.  

  2. because I know i will never find someone better than him.

  3. many married couples think about getting a divorce, all of them do and if they say they dont, thats a load of c**p. but the reason why divorce rates are so high is because you do it most of the time in a height of anger and fury and passion and end up making a huge mistake. All couples fight, ALL married couples disagree and bicker over dumb stuff, and all marriex couples go through HORRIBLE things, but if your love is strong enough, than it can easily be worked out and smoothly sailed over.  

  4. Because a vow is a vow, I promised until 'death do us part'.  

    We got to work on our marriage, spent the time with each other doing what needed to be done and talked through what needed to be talked about.  Is it perfect now?  No.  Would I trade the problems we have with the problems some other married couples have?  Not on your life!!  

    Love is a decision, and when I decided to love my husband - truly love him - there is no one else for me.

  5. to many things are involved,there is a bigger picture then my self .but all in all am happy.

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