
Why did you decide to Homeschool and how do you like it?

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Hello, Iam considereing homeschooling for my 7th grader this year.

I am not sure how if the can really learn and also make friends this way too? Do you have alot of extra activities & PE time?

How do they like it and why do most people choose this over public schools?

Thanks so much




  1. don't homeschool! it ruined my life

  2. I'm home schooled, and the way I learn is by doing my homework. Yes, I go to co-ops (Pretty much just a school that's only one day a week for home school kids where they assign you homework for the rest of the week). I get plenty of socialization time by the way. I have something to do besides school every day. Mondays I have orchestra, Tuesdays I have swim practice, Wednesdays I have horse riding lessons, Thursdays I have  co-op then swim practice, Fridays I have another co-op, Saturdays I have swim practice, and on Sundays I have church. I hope this helps you understand home schooling a little bit better and how we aren't unsocial complete nerds.

  3. I was homeschooled for a year in highschool, and I have to be honest I am wasn't the most social person then, because I didn't get involved in outside activities, but other than that it was really my fault for it. Homeschooling actually made the school year go by so fast, and I was able to focus on individual subjects that I struggled with alot during my time in public school. I had alot of fun and everything was just easier, I could go along with my parents to various job meetings and places they had to go, and I got to meet people and experience new things. I had the freedom to get out of class earlier because I could finish my work at my own time and pace, and I didn't feel rushed and completely lost. I had plenty availability to various amounts of resources. I did though in my second year of homeschooling get involved in more activities(volleyball, book clubs, music, volunteering, church activities, ect,.) and it helped me to get out there and meet alot of different people.

    You should definately look into it though, hon try and see if you'll like it.

  4. Hi, we have a child who is 12, and we have been homeschooling her for almost three years.  We chose homeshooling after she was almost murdered by a one of the top school districts in the country.  We keep homeschooling because we have found it to be a superior method of education.

    There are many ways to home educate your child. Here is a list of some of the popular methods:  http://www.home-school-curriculum-adviso...

    Your child will have many, many opportunities to make friends by taking classes (including after school classes), joining clubs, doing sports, volunteering, and joining with other homeschoolers at your local homeschool park day.  Just google your town's name and the words "homeschool" to find the group closest to you.

    Also find support for yourself and your family by joining a support group:

    Get on a few email lists to find out about local events and groups for homeschoolers:  You will be amazed at how many events are happening.

    Some of our daughter's activities include horseback riding, art classes, music, choir, volunteering, Tae Kwan Do, science classes, and plain old hanging out with friends.

    all the best.

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