
Why did you decide to adopt a child?

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Why did you decide to adopt a child?




  1. Many of the adoptive parents I've known have adopted because they want to make a difference in a childs life, and of course they wanted to add a child to their family. (Most adopted older foster children.)

  2. I gave birth to a boy 18 years before my adopted son was born.  At the time, my husband left us, and I had a very high risk pregnancy.  I always wanted another child, and later had to have a hysterectomy.

    My husband raised a boy that wasn't his from the age of 2 on, his wife left him, immediately became pregnant with twins, and he even helped her with them, strictly as a friend.  Without tests to confirm, we bet that he is sterile, because they tried for 18 years, and she got pregnant within a month of leaving him.

    Anyway, when we got together, we waited for 4 years to know that we are in the best relationship either one has been in, and I'd said to one of my son's friends that we really wanted a baby, but neither one of us could.  3 days later, the girl came to me, and said her mom's best friend was pregnant and didn't want the baby, couldn't keep it even if she did, and would we adopt.  We were so greatful.  We moved the birthmother in with us, she helped us decorate the nursery, and that way the baby heard our voice before he was ever born, making the transition so much easier.  Now, since our natural kids are older, and we are more mature, yet totally energetic and ready to raise a baby, we have such a wonderful, beautiful son we are now raising.  We did everything legally in the adoption, and hope to adopt one more child.

  3. I haven't adopt a child as yet, but I am planning on to, I have pcos and its making it difficult for me to have a child of my own

  4. Its a combination of reasons for me.  I always wanted to adopt to help a child that did not have a normal family life.  I was going to do it after I had one or two biological children. After trying to conceive for years and many unsuccessful fertility treatments we were not able to have children of our own, so it was only natural to start the adoption process. I am glad we did. My son is the love of my life.  Now we are on the wait list to adopt our second child. We are very excited.

  5. Because I found out that adopting through foster care was free.

    We could afford it,

    We will be giving a home to a child who might otherwise not have one,

    We're not taking someone else's child unneccessarily (children waiting in foster care NEED homes),

    We have the knowledge and skills that it takes to raise a child who is not like a biological child,

    I have "special needs" in my family anyway, so if we had biological children, it would be the same diff in that department,

    We both want a family,

    Adoption (through foster care) works with our family, and with our dreams, hopes, and desires for what KIND of family we want to have.

    There are other reasons, too.  There are a LOT of reasons why we decided to adopt.

  6. I wanted to be a Mom.

  7. My parents adopted because my mom had trouble getting pregnant.

    She tried for ages with no look even getting eggs put into her  (Insemanation? Sorry dunno if thats right)

    Anyway, they decided to adopt after this when they were having no luck.

    And along came my sister.

    A couple of months later, my mom found out she was pregnant with me.

    I am really glad they adopted my sister because it means I have a sister.

    And when people ask me if I have any siblings It never even crosses my mind she is adopted. It never comes up.

    Now because of that, I plan to adopt to


  8. That's an easy question.  I adopted a child because I wanted to be a parent.  I don't know why else.

  9. We adopted because we loved our little boy.  It felt right in our hearts and we could not imagine life without him in it!!!

  10. i cant have a child my husband had a vacactomy

  11. I was a very young parent who experienced secondary infertility. We decided to adopt because a family emergency presented us with a child, and we knew that we had the love, time and resources available to give this child a loving home.

  12. my parents adopted because they couldn't get pregnant.

  13. We adopted for many reasons...  

    - We love children

    - We are stable and able to care for a child

    - We feel it is the right thing to do, that we all have a responsibility to care for the children in our society

    - Our biological child is getting older and there is a little bit of 'empty nest' feeling

  14. i wanted to be a parent.  

    i wanted to parent a child with my husband.

    i wanted to be a positive role model for a child and teach them all the good there is in this world, and how to deal with the bad.  

    i wanted to be there for a child growing up through their adulthood.

    i wanted to watch my child grow and be an honerable person and stand up for what they believe in.  

    i want to be there to catch them when the fall.  or show them the different paths they can choose from and pray they are making the best choice for themselves.

    i wanted all the little extras that come along with being a mother.

  15. My husband & I wanted to be a parents.  We were unable to conceive and had given up hope on our dream to be parents.  

    We had discussed adoption but weren't sure it was something we wanted to do.  Then a friend called us.  She worked with a family who was trying to find a couple who would adopt their child.  We were hesitant to meet them, but agreed to at least to explore things.

    The next thing we knew, the bio family was asking us to become this child's parents.  We were shocked and terrified as we knew the child had a rare medical disorder.  But once we had held the child and he smiled at us, we knew this was what we were destined to do.  

    Some people here in Y!A give us grief for referring to our adoption as our miracle story, but for us, we truly believe that it was.  We wanted to be parents and thought that our dream was over when we could not conceive.  But it seems that there was a child out there waiting for us and it was nothing short of a miracle that our paths crossed with the bio family at just the right time.

  16. Because your saving a babys life and its very sweet. People would think very good of you and you will feel good for that child.

  17. We adopted because we wanted more children, but didn't want a newborn.  So we choose to adopt 2 toddlers with medical problems.  Since we decided to adopt, we decided to adopt children that were less desirable to the majority.  Why adopt a child that many people would choose when there are so many children that so many people would turn their backs on.  

    My special need children are as perfect and as healthy as non special needs children are.   My bio children have "special needs" too and they would be considered healthy and non special needs.  All children have some degree of special needs.  

    I adopted because I wanted a larger family and could give a child without a family a family.  Adoption has been such a rewarding experience as a family and mother, that I am looking to add 2 more children to our family.

  18. My friend was told she could never have children so she adopted because she wanted a baby...when he turned 1 she somehow got pregnant!

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