
Why did you decide to stop smoking weed?

by Guest65116  |  earlier

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I smoked for years and did just fine, then after those few years it started slowing me down and sapping all my energy. So I limited myself to just weekends, but that makes it hard too, because during the weekdays its like I'm in zombie mode, waiting for life to start again on the weekends. I'm trying to stop completely, please help me and tell me what your thoughts are on the subject.





  2. go to REHAB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. I stopped because I lost a lot of good friends because I didn't know how to have fun without it and I realized that I wasn't really living, just kind of existing in an odd state of mind that wasn't doing much for me.

  4. I too have smoked for years.  I quit for 2 years one time (my longest span).   I realized when I quit that it was not worth it to smokeand that I could still enjoy life without weed .Trying to limit yourself never works, unless you have a very strong willpower and even at that, just anticipating to only take part of on weekends only makes you all the more anxoius and cranky.   I intend to quit in 2 days, the long term effects of smoking are finally catching up with me such as panic attacks and paranoia, among other issues.  IRealize that life is wonderful when you are free of a substance and you suddenly are able to feel again.   Stay strong and know your doing good for yourself.  Do not let smoking cause you the long tern effects it is causing me now.

  5. i found Christ and became a pastor

  6. im only 14 and stilll do every other weekend but it slows u down u dont do as much as what u used to do.  it messes ur brain  up lets just say that.

  7. I stopped because I was 19 and the older I got, the more pathetic it was. I was looking even more stupid and immature than I did when I smoked in high school. I had a very enjoyable 3 or 4 years but it had to end. I had to start acting like a grown-up sometime. I figured, Why not now?

  8. Because it is against the law!

  9. I've never smoked weed.

    But, when I retire I'm going to be the biggest pot head you ever heard of!

  10. I smoked it a lot as a teenager and as I got older the people who I decided to associate with did not do it as often.  Now, none of my friends including my boyfriend smoke it so I don't even think about it.  I guess I out grew it.

  11. I stopped hanging around people that smoked it. Because they were not really good friends

  12. I stopped because my boyfriend hated that all I wanted to do was game or sit in front of the TV.

  13. it sounds like your diet.....everyone has a different body chemistry.....but either ,the weed is poor in quality (wich could affect your energy level)or you need to get out more and eat better,stop blaming it on the weed!

  14. I feel really aggravated at some of the responces. It is not a bad thing, people just have problems I guess. I am in school to be a nurse, and I very much have a social life and a life outside of cannabis, yet I smoke every day. This has not slowed me down, consumed my life, or made me stupid. I think people just become obsessed with something and take it to a whole other level or something, because I have never had a problem with it. Many days I don't smoke until I am about to go to sleep (I have chronic leg pains) and many other days I smoke all day, sometimes I won't smoke for a couple weeks, and I have no problems. People need to stop blaming the herb and blame themselves.

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