
Why did you divorce your former spouse?

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Was it like one major incidence or did the feelings just got faded away?




  1. Because he had a lot of "love" to give and gave it everywhere but at home.

  2. He was a cheating pig who beat me non-stop.  I feel real sorry for his new wife.

  3. Years of domestic violence..that says it all

  4. She wanted more and MORE stuff.......more money, more things....which I could not provide. She filed and moved away. I miss her everyday. THis is the true nature of self. You either find happiness with what you've got or you continue to search for things you cannot have.  

  5. Because he became an abusive alcoholic to me and our children and he cheated on me to many times to count in the 18 years I put up with it.  

  6. Because he was an alchoholic that used to be beat on me in front of my kids, and I finally decided I loved myself and my kids more than his sorry a** thing I ever did!  ;-)

  7. It faded away slowly......over years

  8. I wanted kids and she did not. Basically, her carreer came first. I now have 2 and more on the way. Life is futile for me without kids. Take Care

  9. he divorced me because he is bi-polar and mixes his meds with got so bad that his psychiatrist would not give him his prescriptions..he gave them to me to fill  then I would dole them out to the ex....still he found ways to play with the meds.He was making himself psychotic or causing convulsions. Finally he decided the only way he could do whatever he wanted to was to walk out (short term) to teach me a lesson-that I had to let hm do whatever he wanted to with meds & alcohol because I couldn't survive without him........I did survive without him and remarried (a wonderful guy, BTW) his divorcing me did me a big favor, lol.

  10. He "fell in love" with a S****y w***e he worked with...after 24 years of marriage.

    He did me a favor, though- I am remarried to a far better man than he could EVER be!

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