
Why did you feel you had to attack my mental health, just so I may see where you were coming from?

by  |  earlier

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If you had a valid reason to holding faith that is.... xx

Don't you think its a little odd??

Sending someone to the brinks of their sanity??

And why do you all talk in code, its weak. Weak english.




  1. Looking at your other questions and answers, I'm kind of concerned about you.  Are you supposed to be taking some medication?  I think you should call a friend and talk to them.  

  2. whaaat??? I have no idea what the heck you are ranting about.

  3. who cares ? I have had people tell me to kill myself on here and that I was  "Burnt out husk"....just for saying that I was depressed and used to take xtc when I was younger

    its the nature of the hurts the 1st few times, but then you realise most ppl on here are just venting at you but its nothing personal and that ppl online act in ways they dont in real life....and we also tell them things wed never tell strangers in real life.

    most ppl here are 16 anyway lol

    there was a Q on here "what year were you born?" and most ppl said 1990 or sooner..I felt so old, I am 1985..

    take it with a pinch of salt!!

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