
Why did you get married?

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Why did you get married?




  1. Thought it was time to settle down.

  2. Still trying to figure that out.

  3. I've been asking myself that since the 3rd day of the honeymoon.

  4. Because I found the right person. He has the qualities I was looking for in a man and we fit together well. He is my best friend and is always there for me. We laugh and we smile and I love sharing my life with someone. Someone to hold me when its been a bad day and someone to just talk with and laugh with and go away with, wake up next to and share my innerost thoughts with.

  5. I'm getting married because he completes me, I can't imagine my life without him in it, my friends and family love him, AND he proved to me that chivalry is NOT dead. He's not perfect, but he's perfect for me.

  6. Because I love him and he met all the qualifications I was looking for in a partner.

  7. Because I love my husband and was tired of living my life without him (we were in a long distance relationship for 3 out of the 4 years we were dating) and what better person to be supported by and to support. He is my best friend as well as my lover. My life is near meaningless without him around... even when we do aggravate each other beyond belief.

  8. Because I met a wonderful man.  He is still wonderful

  9. I wanted so bad to get out of my mother's home and I didn't want to raise our baby alone.

    I could have gotten out on my own and been more responsible but I didn't have a clear direction of the way life is suppose to be, therefore, I failed myself.

    I am, however, trying to fix things and I will be a better person for it!

  10. Love!  I know that I can take care of myself but I just can't imagin living without him.

  11. I got married to my husband of 3 years because he's the only guy in the world i could see myself with. It's funny cause now when I look at other guys it doesn't fade me one bit... its almost like being L*****n but being in love with one guy but not attracted to females... am I making any sense... but anyways still to this day i love him just as much as i did when I said I do. Marriage is a big step but for alot of people, its the wrong one, like some of the people who answered your question.  

  12. Cuz i got tired of the single party life.  And plus, I saw a very attractive woman who already had a lil girl and she needed someone to take care of her.  

  13. Because I was "one fish." but took the bait. <}:-})

  14. I was 33 and tired of the dating scene. And I thought I was in love...

  15. i dont know what i was thinking at that time $$$ i regret it now

  16. To share my life with the person I love and cherish.  To have that one constant and stable person to be there with me through the journey of life.  To share my happiness with someone! :)

  17. because I love my husband,we have been together since we were kids.

  18. I was an a*****e at the time because I KNEW I was marrying a loser but I wanted my kids to have both their parents was a BAD mistake and we separated 3 months later and divorced 8 yers later.  

    NEVER marry a loser for any reason NOT even for the sake of the kids it NEVER works.

  19. Because when I looked into his eyes, I saw my light, my love, my rock, and my soulmate.

    Plus a wonderful person that one day would turn into a wonderful father, to our daughter who is 11 years old!!!!

  20. Because I knew without a doubt 100% that he was the man for me. I believe God gave him to me and he is my soul mate.  

  21. We had fun together and we love each other. We wanted a family and companionship. We have been married for 33 years.

  22. I keep asking myself that same question....

  23. because i love him.. trust him... respect him... he loves me.. respects me... trust me... feels secure with him... we are good friends...  we are in love!!

  24. The first time is for love.

    The second time is for money.

    The third time is for companionship.

  25. I got tired of starving myself.

  26. Well, I like to think that we would have gotten married anyway,but at the time we got married it was cause my hubby needed a green card:)

  27. I was instantly attracted to him (still am).

    He's great with kids.

    I love him more than life itself.

    He's a great lover.

    He makes sure the kids and I are happy above himself :)

  28. At that point of time I had fallen in love with him.  

  29. Because I was not in my right mind and should have had my head examined. But now the damage is really done.

  30. I thought I loved him enough... was inlove with someone else, but he was married.  If you can't be with the one you love.. love the one your with.  THAT didn't work... I was divorced in a year.  But my love left his wife and now we are together and VERY happy, but not married.  We don;t care.  Getting married was a thing.. having the wedding etc... now I don't care about being married, just want to be with him.  

  31. I married for LOVE.

    Dumbest thing I could have done! Will be paying for that mistake for the rest of my life.

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