
Why did you have kids?

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what was your reason?if you can be detailed please




  1. I had kids because my husband and I love one another and wanted to share that love and all of our life experiences with another human being who was created by him and I.  We both believed the other person to be the best "fish in the sea" so we put the best of both worlds together and now have 3 beautiful children.  

  2. My kids wernt planned but i tell people i had them because i have alot of love to give and i've always loved children, i will raise them to be the caring,sweet.loving,sensible people and i like knowing that when i'm old and wrinkly no matter what i will always have my children to help look after me.

  3. I wanted to be a mommy so bad it was all I could think of.

    Mine are grown for the most part now. 17 to 23.

    I was only 17 when I got pregnant and wish now I had waiting a few years.

    For there sake as well as my own. Maybe I would of had more money to buy the things for the first two that i had for the last one.

  4. After a while of living together/marriage, you are slowly loosing the spirit and feel the loneliness of living together...then, you start yearning for children. But having kids is also a reflection of your love to each want to see a miniature of each of yourselves. However, of all the available reasons, the best reason is that it is God's will for every human being to multiply and fill the world He has created  

  5. It was the right time in our lives.  And I'm glad to have both of them.

  6. Didn't realize he wasn't wearing a condom. 26 years old and decided I wanted to keep her.

  7. I had a baby because I had a good home for one and I had the money and all the love in the world to raise it.  It felt right is the best way to put it and of coarse I am in a stable relationship that will be going on for three years now.

  8. I was at a concert watching my fave Band LIVE *Thats the name of the Band* I think the lead siner is a spunk. That night my BF and I got a little to frisky and 9 months and 3 days in labour & 1 C section Later I now have my bouncing baby girl. Dad and I are no longer together but at least I have my Concert Angel(my daughter)

  9. s*x accident

  10. My first child was not planned, he was the result of rape, but after I learned I was pregnant, I wanted that baby and never blamed or resented him for his means of conception. sadly he died a week after he was born in February of 1979. I nearly died along with him. In September of that year friends set me up on a blind date and I met the sweetest, kindest, most gentle man I've ever known. We were wed in August of 1980. I was scared half out of my mind at the thought of having another child but we took the risk and in July of 1981 we had a son, a beautiful, perfect son, while he could never take the place of my lost son, he was adored and just as wanted. We were told he would be our only child due to a rare medical condition I had, but miracle of miracles we had a just as beautiful, just as perfect daughter in January of 1983. The first was created from an act of violence, but loved and still mourned, the other two were created in love. None of them were planned as so many are today, but we can't imagine life without them or the grandchildren they have both given us. Love is our reason for having children. It's really quite simple. That kind, gentle man I married 28 years ago and still am married to even bought a headstone for my first child, a child not his, a child he never saw. Love is the key.

  11. Because God gave them to me.  Because the man I love and I had a lot of s*x.  Because we both wanted to make a child and bring it into this world.

    Xdustiax hit the answer right on the dot. It is the most beautiful thing and rewarding too to see yourself in  your child and know he/she came from you.

  12. i didn't think that i could have kids, but i always wanted them.. i was thinking about adoption when i meet a really great guy we had a great 4 years together and i told him that i always wanted a baby with curly brown hair and brown eyes.. i don't know why i told him that, but he said that someday i was going to have that and so much more.. i didn't know what he meant..i thought that he was joking. he passed away 4 years ago just before i was to get out of college. when he died i couldn't stay where i was so i moved away..

    that was where i meet another guy, i guess you can say that i was on the rebound, but 3 months later i was pregnant..and i got just what i had asked for.. a little boy with curly brown hair and brown eyes... i believe that me friend had a hand in it and wanted to make sure that my dreams came true. if it wasn't for him i would have never had my little boy!

  13. My 1st 2 kids weren't planned, but were welcomed with open arms.  My 3rd (currently 36 weeks pregnant) was planned because we feel that we still have so much love to share.  My children have been such a blessing.  The love a parent has for their child is immeasurable.  

  14. Because children are a life's best gift. The ability alone that woman possess to have children is not only taking for granite, but also not even considered a miracle anymore really. Which it very much is. You see yourself in your child, and raise it to be the best person it can be. I think having a child is a beautiful thing.

  15. I needed someone to fondle.

  16. to keep the world alive, and so i can spoil them

  17. I was in love. married, and ready to start a family.

  18. i havnt had kids yet but i want kids to bring the joy to my life that everyone should get to experiance. I want to be able to see my baby for the first time and see them walk and talk and grow and now that my and my hubby made him/her and raised them together. Also a child is something that you can and will love and cherish for the rest of your life. I cant wait until i get to experiece the blessing of being a mother.

  19. I was 24, been in a relationship 7 years, it was just time. I had had much younger half siblings, knew I loved kids and wanted one, had a decent job and was ready to start.

    No regrets, ever for a moment! (Not that it is always easy, peaceful or immediately rewarding, but ALWAYS worth everything)

  20. My husband had custody of his 4 little boys when I met him!  I am now adopting them, it will be final in a couple weeks.  So I guess because I'm Blessed!  xox

  21. Because I love their fathers and wanted something to remember them by.  

  22. well i was dating this awesome guy..or so i thought. we used protection at first then went to the pullout method and then stop pulling out.

    he left me when i was 4 months i loved her already and wasn't going to give her up. now i have a beautiful 3 year old and a wonderful fiance(not the father) but they love each other as if they are.

  23. I always wanted to be a father, and I really wanted a son. I got what I wanted. I'm 45 with a 3 year old son. I'm having the time of my life with him. And I have a great wife too.

  24. For our daughter, we weren't trying (I was on the depo shot but it messed with my system so I didn't get the second one) but we weren't preventing it either after the shot wore off, and the day we got married was the day I conceived:D

    For our son, we were using protection but it hurt so we didn't sometimes and I got pregnant when our girl was 3 months.

    Now we're taking extra measures and he's getting snipped plus we're finding something for me, I really do not want to be pregnant EVER again.

  25. Condom broke

  26. I was told if i have kids past 25 they would be more likely to come out developmentally challenged because of a disability i have. So when I got married at 18, we started having kids a year later.  

  27. s*x went wrong
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