
Why did you join taekwondo?

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This question pretty much explains itself. I have practiced taekwondo for 14 years now and yet I still find myself pondering over this question as I had joined taekwondo because my dad is an instructor. I'm quite curious actually why do people decide to practice taekwondo. Is it because it is cool or is there some other reason?




  1. cause my dad made me...i'm skinny and look fairly weak so my dad figured 'might as well toughen her up...' Thank God he did 2!! its been so handy over the years and i love it!! started wen i wz 10 and got my black belt wen i wz 14...

  2. To get your body's reactions fluid, to get fit, to do something interesting with your time, to aquire skills that are transferable to other things; Karate, Cricket, swimming, everything.

    What would you have done with your time that is more helpful to you as a person? I can't think of much else, except to have done Gymnastics

  3. To impress people and to fulfill my cravings of physical power. I'm a girl, I've been in TKD for 2 years, now I'm 16 years old. I compete at club level now, but I am training very hard to get into national team.

    I would sacrifice anything to win at taekwondo.

  4. I thought it was awesome and I was right

  5. I actually quit this place called apollos karate, it was b.s. because there were kids that didn't know how to do their forms during rank testings, yet they still got to advance to the same rank as me.

    I found a tkd scholl after that, that didnt do contracts, was farily inexpansive because the instructors dont get paid from the schools profits, and you tested for new rank when they thought you were ready.

  6. My son's pediatrician has been recommending it for years for my "different" son. An introductory class started not far from where we live, and they stressed the importance of families learning together. So I joined with my son who is now 13. I figured his chances of sticking with it were better than if I signed him up alone. This way we can practice together (and Mom can kick his *** if he doesn't keep up).

    So far he has quit everything I ever signed him up for. I am crossing my fingers, he hasn't quit or shown signs of quiting yet. I absolutely love it. I really don't have anything to compare it to as far as the other martial arts. But as far as I'm concerned, you haven't lived until you practice martial arts. It is so cool and empowering.

  7. Just because it was the martial arts place closest to my house.

  8. i do it because i have SERIOUS anger problems so doing martial arts just gets it all out of me and it helps with weight too!!

    you get a star for a good question




  9. I took up jujitsu because I thought it would be cool to learn a martial art. I was like 10 at the time.

  10. Quite honestly, I started because a friend asked me to start with them.  I stayed because I really enjoyed myself.  Now I enjoy passing it along to others.  I've been teaching now for 10 years!

  11. its not cool.

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