
Why did you just watch as freedoms were erased?

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Why did you just watch as freedoms were erased?




  1. Well lets see! If your talking about the freedoms we use to have like maybe : Taking a leak out in public in your back yard etc. Well not much we could do to keep that part of a freedom, you have to remember the majority of the people have no say in  a lot of rules and laws made today! Only the higher powered people can stop parts of our freedoms being taken away!

    You see once the government started allowing religious  groups to be part of the law making system  in thoses parts of our lives, and many things people use to do! were stopped mostly by religious groups, so if your looking for the who's really to blame ! Start with them first and then feast your eyes onto the mothers and teachers groups!

    But if you really look at the new laws that slowly take away things we use to do! Well there not really inforced until some one sees you doing it and turns you in!  But now we could say nosey neighbors should learn to mind there own business! and many have said that for many, many years! But come on, is it really necessary for you to take a leak in your back yard? or defecate in the woods of a public park? I would think not!

    Is it proper for you to do it in the first place? Children maybe watching you! They shouldn't have to see you taking a leak Right? Or defecate!

    If maybe your meaning the New United States law where you can't just freely Leave the United States or return without a passport, Well I'm sure your smart enough to know that should have been done way back before the 9-11-2001  problem!

    There are many little piddly things that have been taken away that some would say was part of our freedom! But did it damage us in anyway when those parts were no longer for us to do freely! and like many have been saying! What parts of your freedom have been taken from you!

    You never gave any kind of explanations at all to go all with your questions! So you can see how many are getting too nasty about it! But the American people compared to many foreign countries! We have so much, much more freedom then they could ever dream of having! Sure many would think because we have thousands, if not millions of laws and regulations  that, That would be like taking our freedom away from us, But most laws and regulations are to protect us as human beings! I'm sure you wouldn't want some one being able to rape your sister or mother just because there wasn't no law against it! Right??? Or some one burning your house down just because they didn't like it and that it wasn't illegal so they did it!

    And if you were meaning like the freedom many years ago where you could walk down the street with a gun on your side hip! Well those kind of things had to be stopped for public safety! Any thing that could in fact danger the public should be regulated either by a law or regulations! Come on man, Life today is being challenged on a daily base by criminals, we do deserve our freedom to live and in peace right!!!

    So If you want more of a detailed explanation for your question. Please either edit your questions more into detail so you will get better and straight answers! Because I really don't know what you want us to answer for a question not explained some what!

  2. Now back to you.

    Name one freedom that you PERSONALLY have had taken away from YOU.

    Not some amorphous "wiretapping", "Patriot act" whining, but actual measurable freedoms that you had but now are lost?

    Go ahead, I'll wait.



    Thought so.

  3. because my congressman is paid off

  4. What freedoms have been erased?  You still have the freedom to be a moron.

  5. There one usefull one which could bring them back.Sepration Of State and Church Law applied to Greed make it official religion in own Church. This makes world more secure with Greed out of politics.No need for special police powers,possibility of torture or myriad concerns. No one ever stands by the just are not powerfull enough to stop them being erased. perhaps this will help .

  6. Honey, get a grip! None of my freedoms, or yours, were erased unless you live in Venezuela.

  7. Because no one told us we were free NOT to do most things; like "The Ten Commandments", which aren't restrictions, rather they're statements of how to be free not to do those things. (Read the Federalist Papers, which is a great blueprint for how to steal an election, hint, hint, as well as, how to "progressively augmentate" our freedoms away.)

  8. It began before I was born and will continue after I croak!

  9. I don't feel any of my freedoms have been taken, what freedoms have been taken from you.

  10. All of the freedoms which have been taken away in my lifetime have to do with some entity of government deciding that they can run my life better than I can, that they can parent my children better than I can, and that they can and should decide what is good for me, because I'm just not capable.

    When I brought my first baby home from the hospital, I carried her in my arms.  For the second one a carseat was encouraged, by the time I got to my third one, the hospital wouldn't discharge her until I produced a carseat in the hospital room so that they could see it.

    When I was a child, my mother piled all ten of us kids into an old buick and went to the store.  We managed to survive it.

    Now if you have a family of 10 kids, you better also have a full sized van or a bus, because there is no such thing as 2 kids to a seat, it's child abuse.

    When I was a child, I was allowed to ride my bike, I survived that too, even though I didn't have knee pads and a helmet.

    I got my social security number when I was 16, I needed one if I wanted a job, now you have to apply for one for your child before you leave the hospital after he is born.

    It used to be OK to have a large family, you knew that there would be hard times, but you were free to have them if you wanted them.  Some of us came from religious backgrounds which say that birth control is not allowed, and if we did, we had no fear that the state would make it impossible for these families to exist in peace.  The freedom to practice one's religion is guarenteed in the Constitution.  Now if you have a lot of children, you are treated as if you are a social pariah, it is assumed that you must be on welfare, and the teachers are always questioning your kids to see if there is a possibility of abuse and neglect.

    Add to this the carseat issue, and understand that you are constantly assumed to be in error about something.

    I regret to say, that when my freedoms were compromised, I was here, living my life, counting on the Constitution to protect those freedoms, and the people I elected to make sure that the Constitution itself was protected.

    I see now that I was wrong.  I now understand that this is a fight, one that may be lost, because we Americans believed that our elected leaders would protect our country.

    That is why I will vote for Ron Paul.

    I believe that he will actually protect our country.

    I believe that he will protect our Constitution.

    I believe that he is the only hope my grandchildren have of knowing what freedom really is.

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