
Why did you leave your husband/wife?

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I'm interested in what people think are valid reasons and do you regret it ....




  1. i dont regret leaving anymore...cause i believed him when he begged for my return only to find out whoever his online friend was he was still communicating with after i returned..i dont trust him anymore..i tried and now i with no regrets can walk away from 22yrs..and a man having a midlife crisis...  

  2. She cheated with another man, and sharing a bed with him and her was not my idea of a good time...she moved in with him then. I have never regretted ending the marriage because of her cheating....

  3. I do not have any regrets as to why I left my ex-wife.

    Despite the fact that I never had any tangible evidence of cheating, the signs were there.

    Dressing better, fixing up her self more, being more sweet than usual but extremely cold in bed (a corpse would be more passionate...) and most of all, when she was allegedly going to the hair salon to do her hair, the hair salon was either closed for the day or she simply was not there... having her hair fixed.

    The only thing I ever regretted was not digging in deeper to find out who was she cheating on me with : the insurance guy, the hair dresser or my best buddie (who became my best man on my 2nd marriage).

    I still wonder up to today, 10 years later.

  4. She was a liar and a cheat, do I regret it? your having a laugh aren't you!

  5. because to put it bluntly he was a s*x crazed commitment phobe . oh and he slept with my sister. i do regret it but i regret the years i wasted on him more

  6. Because she could not keep her knickers on, for anyone who shown any interest in her, then blamed me for working too much that she needed love and caring.

    Regretted no!

    and yes, I have not seen my daughter for 8 years due to her!!

  7. Because she refused to do what she was told after a number of warnings.


  8. if it happens to me in future, it would be because he is not caring or loving enough. He is emotionally distant and needs to be in control of the environment. I can't stand it when he didn't let me throw away the carrier bags.

    13 years of being together, is it worth separating because of that? but psychologically I never ever feel that I'm a wife, but rather somebody that needs to follow instruction in the house.

  9. Mental abuse which started to turn physical, and no, I never regretted it.

  10. There are no such things as "valid reasons".  Things just happen.  I got married just to get the visa for him to come to this country, otherwise I wouldn't have married.  He was very childish.  He had no responsibilities whatsoever and he cheated on me.  That was the last straw.  I just couldn't take it anymore so I told him to leave.

    He knew the reasons and understood he had not done his part in marriage.

    I am now with a new person who is everything I wanted in life.  He is caring, loving and I believe he is my soul mate.  I am very happy now!

  11. She died, so it was illegal for me to carry on the relationship, not that I would have wanted too you understand.

  12. He is an alcoholic and now married to an alcohlic. No I have never had any regrets. It was the best move I ever made.

  13. I'm going to leave her because I can't keep lying to her.

    I made a mistake to marry her.

    I've never loved her.

    I think it would be better for her to find someone who does.

  14. My ex-wife was s******g my best friend for a year before i even found out there was anything going on.It was not the fact as such for them s******g each other, it was the fact that they coud both lie and deceive and con others into thinking that they weren't. It was also the trust had been broken, not only by my ex-wife, but my best friend.. so i lost trust in quite a few people as there are outside friends who did know this was going on, but they did not have the honesty integrity and decency to inform me. In all honesty it really was devastating at the time but as time went on he left her and did the same thing to another aquaintances wife too. So many lies and so much distraught in the web of deceit . Im well over it all now as i went abroad for 5 years , got a new career got a new girlfriend and life is great. My ex-wife is now miserable , lonely and feeling quite bitter about life in general, and that wasn't a dig at her as she really has changed from the woman that i once knew. Even though my best friend and my wife messed up our marriage, i wish them all the very best life can offer them because they dont deserve hardship or  ill-luck. But as they say what comes around goes around....

  15. I didn't leave my ex-wife, I was thrown out of our house.  Even then my love for her never diminished one little bit.

    It happened 8 years ago, I have forgotten and forgiven her.  I have stayed alone till this day.  Not because I want her back, but it is my tradition till my parents find a woman or a girl for me to marry.

    Also there is some personal problems caused my ex-wife has prevented me from going back to the choosing phase.

    Well, All is for the good.

    thanks for making me relieve my past.

    god bless

  16. I have not so far, but still there can be so many reasons.. men change soon after marriage, then in laws may not accept you, no respect from hubby and his parents, hubbys never take care of house, hubbys are lazy on Sundays, they are indisciplined children of the house, Money matters, arguing a lot, hubbys never understand about problems of wives, they stop listening. They stop telling you are such abeauty...blah blah....Still don't leave him. I love him.

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