
Why did you leave your last job? or why are you going to?

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What reasons did you have to leave your last job?




  1. Hi,

    In most, not all, moves it started out wanting to see how much was someone like me going to be worth, problem is when you get an offer you can't ignore.

  2. I hated my last job,I took a few sickies,well 10 weeks to be precise and then handed in a rough note on a scrap piece of paper saying that I was sacking them as my employer with no forwarding address or phone numbers,and signed it off with Have fun,,I then moved to another country and spent the last few years doing just exactly what I wanted to do and have never regretted it  

  3. I moved...and it was not as close and with 2 kids I couldnt get there on time...I used to live next door!

  4. to live my life !

  5. I am leaving because I hate 3rd shift and got a job working 1st.

  6. I 'left' my last job because Wandsworth Borough Council requested my Employer APCOA to take me off the Contract between Wandsworth Borough Council & APCOA as I was NOT bringing in enough Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs) as a Civil Enforcement Officer (ex-Parking Attendant) ! I was dismissed because of this reason ! I would never want to return to my former employment because of all the stresses that were involved !

  7. The truth, I left to move up into management and further myself professionally.

  8. To do contract work. To be my own boss.

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