
Why did you left school?

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and go home schooling?just curious of your story




  1. I quit going to public high school because I was sick of having to sit in a room with mindless drones who only care about the opposite s*x and how to get alcohol. The school staff were lazy, most teachers were incredibly rude to students and the good teachers couldn't focus on teaching because they'd have to tell someone to be quiet every 30 seconds! I hated nearly everyone there!

    It was just a terrible, terrible environment and I'm so glad I'm out of there.

  2. i went to regular school for almost all my life and i just wanted to give it a try and it was great but its not the same so i went back to regular school.. theres nothing like the real high school ecxperience^_^

  3. "leave", honey.

    Why did you leave?

    I left the park.Why did you leave the class?

    To have home schooling you must have someone to teach you. It takes a lot of work to teach someone  at home.

    Are you wanting to do that?

    Do you have any friends that are being taught that you might

    learn with?

    If you do ,you must be well behaved and not a problem.

    Keep asking .

    Good Luck.

  4. I only went to school for 5 weeks (see, told you it was a brief flirtation, lol!) in Primary 3. Apart from those 5 weeks, I've always been home educated.

    I left because going to school meant I had to leave home at 5.30 every morning and didn't get home until 19.30 in the evening. I was spending 6 hours a day at school and spending 8 hours every day travelling between home and school.

    And for what? I very soon discovered that there was nothing happening at school that I couldn't do just as well or even better at home. I naively thought that the whole point of going to school was to learn: I'd imagined that school would be about academia and would be challenging and fulfilling and *REALLY* stretch me academically. Hah!

    Oh and also, I very quickly became frustrated and resentful of the amount of time that was being wasted every day by teachers etc on non-academic activities, frivoloties and general trivialities. I just remember telling the school principal (on about day 2!) that I had come to school to learn, not to play...and that if I'd wanted to play, I would have stayed at home.

    So, after 5 weeks, I did exactly that and I've been at home and happy ever since.

  5. I actually left home schooling for high school.

    Home school can be a very good thing, but when you get to high school, some people need to move on.

    But home schooling is usually a pretty good thing in most circumstances.

  6. we migrate here in U.S. couple of months before school starts

    i do home school coz im afraid to go to a foreign traditional high school.....i mean you know Bullies, especially when your a transfery... a new student

  7. I went to private school then we moved to GA and my mom didn't like the public schools and the private school had wait list so she decided to home school me :-)

  8. Because it was on the left. My sister home schooled her two kids and they went on to graduate with honors in college. My sister was worried about the other students distracting her kids from getting a good education.

  9. My kids have always been homeschooled. But I know 2 kids very well who were in public schools before homeschooling. After years of struggling with the system, the parents finally decided to pull their kids out. Their daughter, in gr. 6, was assessed at being 3 grades behind in reading comprehension, writing and math skills. Yet they had been giving her passing grades for everything for the previous 3 years. Their son, in gr. 3, after 2 years in a learning disabilities class, was on Ritalin and Celexa and was STILL only reading at a beginning gr. 1 level.

    Happy to say that in the first year, the boy was able to get off both meds and was much happier and went up 2 grade levels in his reading in the first 6 months. The girl did standardized reading and writing tests in her gr. 9 year and was at grade level--which means that in the span of 3 years, she went from a gr. 3 to a gr. 9 level in language arts.

    Both kids are happy at home. The boy thinks now and then about going to high school when the time arrives, but then he hears about some awful thing that has happened at school and thinks he'd prefer to stay home, but active with his sports and friends.

  10. I almost left school and got home schooled in middle school.  This is because I was in one of the most poorly educated states in the country, and even their gifted program was not fulfilling my academic needs.

    Luckily, we moved instead.  Everyone I know who was home school ended up being awkward in social best.

  11. because of an illness

  12. Sorry to burst your bubble, but it is YOU who are being rude. If you want a polite answer, you should be polite when stating your question.  That means you spell and punctuate your questions correctly, as well as use stating things in a grammatically correct way. If you can’t, use spell and grammar check.  If you for some reason do not have it, at least use the built in spell check that comes with the Yahoo Answers program.

    Additionally, do you really take us for a bunch of fools? You are not a second language speaker.  Second language speakers make certain grammatical mistakes that come from either

    1) The influence of their native language


    2) Over generalizing the rules of their learned language.

    Your mistakes are neither of these.  Your mistakes are what linguists all “non-standard English” – the English of the streets, lower class English.

  13. I'm at a Internet School called Ohdela. I left public school because they weren't any good at all. I left because of the many reasons, Racism ,No help/Ignoring, Students(Snobs...), School lunch (EW), Germs, Bad behavior, Bomb threats and Shootings are at high risks, and all the above. It was just my time to leave

  14. No story, and we never left a "school", we did however decide not to attend one.

    We added academics to our daily routine as our children got older, and allowed learning to happen naturally.

    Including academics in the education of our children is simple, and just a continuation of raising them; many parents, like ourselves do not believe in handing that responsibility, and privilege over to strangers.

  15. Because real school wasn't challenging enough and I was tired of learning more about peoples and the teachers personal lives during class than the actual learning material.

  16. Obviously, you shouldn't have "left"  public school!

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