
Why did you not understand my question?

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if we do not see the biood coming out from plants it does not mean that they have no life .people are as ................ who are not getting my words. why do not understand that thinking of people is wrong there is no difference between veg & non-veg.




  1. are you implying that blood defines whether or not one has a right to life?

  2. Life on this planet, as it was and is evolutionarily designed works in a cyclical manner part of which is a food chain.

    The food chain is perfectly natural and serves all equally well as along as it is allowed to remain in balance or to balance itself out when it becomes out of balance (something that has happened many times during the history of life on this planet).

    Some life forms possess and exhibit a higher level of awareness or consciousness and many try to honor or offer more respect to those at the higher end.

    Your display of childish (not childlike) anger serves no one to their benefit, least of all yourself.

    To be better understood, perhaps you should work on your understanding of the language you have chosen to employ, considering grammar, spelling, punctuation, etc.

    Be well and be calm.

  3. I do not understand this question either, but let me tell you something.

    Photosynthesis, the main process that takes place in plants, is to convert light energy into chemical energy (in the form of glucose), so that living organisms can make use of it. Understand?

    However, I agree that in the most basic way, there is no difference between vegetarians and non-vegetarians, just like there's no difference between people of different races, countries or religions.

  4. You seem to be saying something but meaning something else! You seem to say that vegetarians and non vegetarians are the same as far as eating plant foods or animal foods.  You seem to feel that animals  and plants suffer the same way.

    It does not matter  what you mean or say. others will respond the way they understand your thoughts and words.  A very small percentage of people ( like me) are vegetarians , in the world. We believe this  and there is no other  reason . If you are meat eater  eat . you donot have to justify to anyone .

    In India people , generally would understand veg and Non veg. No other country has these veg/non veg classification . If you donot want to eat meat you have to tell them "No Meat Please " If they have anything without meat they will give . if you say you are "veg" they will not understand one bit.

  5. The concept does not fit within the narrow framework of western philosophy. What is outside of it is disregarded.

    There is scientific work that shows plant perception, but it is not yet mainstream and most people only see one perspective.

  6. Not sure what you mean here, but plants don't feel pain if that's what you're getting at.

  7. Because you didn't understand any of the answers.

    Or you want them to say "oh your so smart, and no one thought of that"

  8. but there are alot of differences between plants and animals both structural and functional

    however i also think that there is no difference between the people who partake in vegetarianism. in fact it holds many benefits, it is much more efficient at converting energy for example

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