
Why did you quit smoking pot?

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Why did you quit smoking pot? What events made you reach this decision? What changed? Anything improve? How long did it take to see/feel a difference?




  1. I never really enjoyed the high.  A couple hits on a joint or bong, and I was a drooling imbecile for hours.

    I imagine it's what being a Liberal is like.

    Beer, on the other hand, I can drink for hours with very little incapacitation.  I get drunk, sure, but I'm still able to talk, walk, and think.

  2. vision got ****** up

    one day i got stoned and started tripping, i felt high till the next day, and everytime i got high after that i would trip out again and be stoned for the whole day

    now i have mild but permanent hallucinations (just lights floating around, usually unnoticable, corner of the eye kind of stuff) and static, also have really bad night vision

    i know it sounds weird and impossible, but i think its called hppd (hallucinogenic permanent perception disorder), its very rare and its usually from harder drugs like shrooms or e

    i still smoke ocasionally, but i've tried to cut down

  3. Why do you assume we did?

  4. As I got into my twenties, I just found less time to enjoy a smoke.  My schedule got so filled that I no longer had time.

  5. I quit back in February 2008.  I was a daily smoker for over 10 years.  I knew a lot of problems I was going through had to do with it.  I was addicted big time!  Some people can do it whenever and control it, I couldn't.  I honestly have nothing against it and don't judge people who do it, I just knew I had to stop.  I do miss it here and there but know I'm better off without it.  The only thing I've really noticed is that I think a lot clearer, I'm not high all the time anymore in a fog.  The first few weeks after I quit sucked.  I couldn't sleep, eating habits got all out of whack and had some pretty bad headaches.  I've overcome everything and know I made the right decision.

  6. i just didnt like the high. it was interesting, but the high made me very disorineted and make me feel like i was in a dream. it just realy messed me up for a couple hours.

    i would rather have a more functional high.

    conclusion: for me personaly, the high sucks.

  7. well i just recently quit and well it was getting expensive cause i dont have a job and i dunno i started thinking if i got caught that would suck really bad

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