
Why did you take up bodybuilding?

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I'd like to hear the reason why peope take up bodybuilding as I'm interested in the sport.




  1. I initially used weight lifting to gain muscle and strength to help increase my performance in sports.  eventually I got hooked on how it increased my overall sense of well being and having girls drool over your body isn't a bad side effect either.

  2. Sadly, most take it up because they are insecure. I was short as a kid and that was why I started. I stopped lifting in my later teens and got into a very unhealthy lifestyle. By age 22 I was overweight, smoking, drinking and feeling like c**p. I got back into training and quit all the bad stuff. I made such great progress my first year the gym owner took notice of me and started training me. Within another year I was competing. I have competed for nearly 18 years and have two gyms of my own. I love the sport. I also train young guys and girls that are athletes.

    I did go the route of taking steroids becuiase I was convinced that was the only way to compete. I have been all natural for nearly a decade. I regret taking steroids as now my body is paying the price.  

  3. bodybuilding isn't a sport really.

    to me bodybuilding is just a way of taking

    exercise to the next level. i want to look good

    and feel good and its just something

    that i like to do and am committed to.

  4. get birds

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