
Why did your parents have you?

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Really why? Did you live up to their standards? Did you live to your fullest? Really why did they have you?




  1. I was born as an extra curricular activity. I wasn't planned neither was my brother. But we have learned along the way to make the most of our life and enjoy it as much as possible. That will never change.

  2. A accident.

  3. I think that I wasn't planned because they had me quite late, after my brother and sister. But honestly, I feel like I've done everything I can to deserve their support. I definitely live up to their standards. I do very well in school and everything else I lay my hands on and I am living to my fullest. If anything, I just wish they would be more proud of me.

    Oh well.

  4. To have something to drop on the floor.  

  5. i never really asked them that.i was the thrid child, but probably they just wanted a bbygirl. im the only girl hah

  6. Cause they were drunk....

  7. I was adopted.  My mother worked in a hospital, taking care of the mothers who'd just given birth.  She went into this woman's room who was bawling her eyes out.  The patient said her husband wouldn't let her bring her baby home, because he didn't believe it was his, and she didn't know what to do.  After talking to this patient for a long time, and not finding any solutions to her problem, my mom said, "Well, how about I take care of your baby for you, until you and your husband can work this out?"  Eventually, that's what the patient agreed to do.  So when she and the baby (me) were released, the patient gave the baby to my mom in an alley behind the hospital.  A few months later, the patient and her husband and their other children moved away, abandoning me.  I was the daughter my parents never got to have themselves.  (I have all brothers.)

    Did I live up to their expectations?  Nope.  Did I live up to their standards?  Not all the time.  Did they love me just as much as their sons?  Yep, maybe even more, because they chose me.

  8. They did not marry till they were 34 and 40, they wanted children.

    Did I live up to their standards?  I don't think so.

    Did I live to my fullest?  Not really.  I should have gone to college.

  9. Well my dad-he and his sister are like 13 years apart in age. So after my brother was born, not only did my parents want a girl, but they wanted to have me close to my brother so we'd be close in age.

    I'm 20 and my brother will be 23 tomorrow. But my bday is February 1st, so we are about 2 years apart and we get along great.

    And I believe my parents are happy with me because when we see people and what not, I hear them say that they raised me and my brother right, and I hear people tell them I seem to be a good kid. I don't do anything that I think my parents wouldn't like. I like to know that I make them happy by doing what's right.

  10. Because the adoption list was too long. They knew they wanted one more child and they didn't want to wait forever so they got me. And I was born on my dads birthday! I guess for the most part I have lived up to their standards but I have also disappointed them very much. I know I could do so much better than where I am in life right now and I want to do better but for now I'm gonna be fine with it and take each day as it comes. They had all of their children out of love and just because they wanted children.

  11. I am the product of a s*x orgy

  12. I usually don't say this but, thanks for the two points......

    This question is beyond dumb, as it really doesn't matter WHY people's parents had them.  

  13. wow mid crisis

  14. i have no idea.

  15. To bring them closer together and make their own family unit.

  16. My parents had me because people have s*x, there was no pill in the 50s, and abortion wasn't an option.  I don't think my parents would have had 5 kids if there were alternatives back then.  Even getting a tubal ligation was against the law in Kansas until the mid 60s.  The pill wasn't easily available until the early 60s.  

    No. I didn't live up to their standards all the time.  No, I haven't live life to the fullest.  They had me because that is what people did back then - have s*x, and have babies.

  17. my mom wanted to raise a boy and a girl..she got a girl..then she prayed to get a boy too then they got me :)

    no i didnt, but hey its still early i might live up to after all :)

  18. i don't live by the stndards of my parents ..  they let me enjoy life as long as i'm young..

  19. My mom and 'sperm donor'  (as my mother refers to him)  got drunk while watching tv a night..  I guess nothing good was on!

    Makes me laugh how mom thought he was good enough to sleep with but not good enough to be a father!

    I'm glad I was raised with better morals than that!  

  20. Because my dad didn't have enough money to buy condoms,and my mother believed my dad when he told her she could just jump up and down to prevent pregnancy. The 50's were a wild time for people.

  21. an expiriment gone bad

  22. oh boy, u have so many questions.

    they had me just because they like to raise children.

    they hope me to live a wealthy and happy life.

    no more standards i think.

  23. so i could becoming the cutest, sweetest, most generous guy in my town.  

  24. Well, who else were they going to get to to do all the chores that they don't want to do?

    But seriously, I'm not sure if I lived up to their standards. I know my mother wanted me to go to college, but other than that, I think I probably did.  

  25. They had me cause they wanted another kid? My mom had 3 miscarriages. I'm a little more dramatic. I'm very.... attitudish? Like my mom would tell me something t do and id whine and groa and c**p but id get it done.  

  26. they had me becuase they felt lonely and wanted to raise a family i was the first child out of 3 and yes i reached there standard a am an A and B student i respect and honor my parents i don't bad-mouth them i do watever they say i make them proud of me.And when they are sick i do everything i clean for them i cook for them do the mom is happy with me becuase my other 3 cousins dont do what i do to there parents they bad-mouth them they bunk school,they dont care about there parents don't listen to them dont care about school.......and my aunts and uncles are having a hard time with them they wish i was there daughter.....I am 14 people think in this age the     s don't respect there parents but they are wrong i do

  27. Because they wanted.

  28. They were high/drunk. I wasn't planned.

    I'm the only child.  

  29. They had me b/c s*x is fun and they couldn't close their legs!

    Plus they didn't have condoms or birth controls they lived in a third world country!

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