
Why didn't Ahmadinejad just send his speech to Columbia U?

by  |  earlier

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and have the interpreter read it? Even the questions could have been sent to him ahead of time. This would have solved the problem of his invite controversey. After all, that's all it was (hearing the interpreter)




  1. I read in the British Times (The Times, not The London Times as americans like to call it) that they banded him from doing his speech.

  2. He is a narcissist

  3. i think his ipod froze again and he couldn't download the questions in advance.

    crappy ipods

    i want another one my battery died again

  4. Newsflash:  Most of the "controversy" ended when both the president of Columbia University and the students took that fool to task for the things he has said and done.

    Frankly, to see Ahmadinejad so flustered and agitated was worth letting him into this county.  Like me, he probably assumed that a liberal American university was going to give him carte blanche to spout his rhetoric.  In my case, I was pleasantly surprised that turned out not to be the case.  I don't think it was nearly as pleasant for him.

  5. He wanted to show Americans that he is so powerful that he, a terrorist supporting leader, can come to this country as he pleases and there is nothing we can do to stop him.

    To bad he is to stupid to see the real reason we let him come here.  People need to see the BS first hand that this man is spewing so that they wont be bleeding hearts when American and the rest of the free world stick a boot up his butt.

  6. I hate that we let that peice of s h i t into our country, WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY

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