
Why didn't Alaska give McCain/Palin 100% of their votes at the RNC roll call?

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Alaska gave all but 5 votes to McCain/Palin at the roll call last night.

While Arizona gave 100% of their votes to them.

Why isn't Alaska supporting them 100%?





  1. Because the delegates were selected before Palin was chosen as the VP candidate.

  2. She is a trophy candidate who was picked because she bleeds every month.

  3. Alaska is small and that was 100%

  4. She is not all that and it will come out

  5. Obama bribed them to give him 100% of the votes.

  6. There are different supporters everywhere.  It's sort of like asking someone who lives in Louisiana why they don't love Britney Spears.

    Ok, well maybe not quite like that, but hopefully you see what I'm saying.

  7. McCain is the presidential nominee. It was done so that he would get 100% of the votes from his home state.

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