
Why didn't Britain, the United States and France try to stop Germany's expansion?

by  |  earlier

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A. they thought that he had a good idea

B. they thought they could control him

C. they thought he was harmless

D. they did not want to fight again so soon after WWI




  1. D seems like it is the best answer, though B is semi-correct.

  2. it was b and d. they thought that they had established an influence over him, and that they could now control him. chamberlain siad  "hitler would not decieve a man he respects". they also wanted to take any chance to prevent the war.

  3. Why didn't Britain, the United States and France try to stop Germany's expansion?

    D. they did not want to fight again so soon after WWI.

    The answer above is correct the USA had no interest in getting involved or helping anyone at that time.

  4. I'd say D, I know Britain and France were too weak to control him at that point so they tried to appease him. And the U.S. was isolationist.

  5. The Allied Powers did not think Adolf Hitler was doing a bad thing. They were worried about his "aryan superiority" ideas, and did not like him being dictator, but they honestly thought that Hitler was merely regaining the land Germany had lost, and credited him with improving the German economy dramatically. I would have to say it was a combination of B, C, and D. They thought he was harmless, but if he got out of control, they could control him, and they did not want to fight so soon after the largest war in history (World War I was the largest war in history before World War II occured).

  6. B....sort of.  They didn't exactly think they could control him but they thought that if they were willing to allow him a certain amount of expansion (annexation of Austria & incursion into Czechoslovakia for example) that he would be satisfied.  The U.S. was not much of a military power prior to WWII and was not in much of a position militarily to do much even if there wasn't an isolationist mentality in the country.

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