
Why didn't Frodo flush the ring down a toilet?

by Guest33658  |  earlier

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I mean it would have saved him alot of time and effort!




  1. Like said, toilets didn't exist yet.. it takes place about 7,000 year's ago for gosh sake !! :P

  2. because toilets weren't invented yet

  3. Because it would go to the ocean or whatever and someone would find it. AGAIN.

  4. because it would have caused evil clogging! mwahahaha!

  5. coz then he wouldnt have made anymore money making movies!

  6. No toilets available in Middle Earth, just pits in the ground with no plumbing / flushing system.

  7. because there weren't any toilets yet??


  8. Because then Sauron would never have stopped what he was doing.  

  9. 'cause then the tidy-bowl man would rule them all!

  10. toilets in Middle Earth.  I don't think Sauron was above sending one of his minions to dig under an out-house either.

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