
Why didn't Jesus say anything about any certain church in his teaching?

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As long as Jesus is the head of that church does it matter what the church is called/




  1. not really. but the church is not a building it's called the body of christ(the people)

  2. The scriptures are clear when it says "in Him."

  3. The first answer is correct.  Anyone who says differently, is incorrect.  Jesus was a Torah-observant Jew and taught Torah.  In fact, Torah was the only "Bible" available at the time and His favorite book - the one He most often quoted from was Deuteronomy.   Jesus' disciples were also Torah-observant Jews.  

    I'm sitting here scratching my head and wondering why EVERYONE doesn't know that!  Read the Book and see for yourselves!


  4. Well for one Jesus was Jewish, if it was good enough for him maybe it should be good enough for everyone else.

    Not jewish.

  5. Many people think their religion is going to be the only religion that is going to heaven. But Jesus said"I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. So any one that calls on the name of Jesus and endures to the end shall be saved. It does not matter the denomination. There will be no denominatons in heaven.

  6. Because what he taught had nothing to do with a building.

  7. Jesus referred to His church as His Bride.

  8. Jesus WAS WAS WAS Jewish. That was the point in his being sent (as prophesied) to Earth in human form...To show the chosen people of God (JEWS) that they had it wrong in many ways and that laws of Moses' time were up. He instructed those that would listen the new rules of conduct- this is the new testament. This is the church. The other little details seperating one Christian church from another is the bullshit that we humans have convinced ourselves matter.

  9. Because the churches didn't get created until after he kicked the bucket.

  10. Amen.

    I love the picture of our own physical body that helps us to have a clear appreciation of Christ and the Church as His Body.

    If you look at you and I brother Gary, we are not just a head, we are also a body. If we were just a head floating around then we would be something odd and peculiar and even scary.  But our head is joined to and attached to our body. In this way the body acts according to the desires of the Head and is not independent to do as it pleases. We are here for Christ, to express, represent and carry out what is on Christ's heart.

    Our Lord Jesus is our ascended Head in the heavens and today, we are His Church, the Body of Christ on the earth. We are here representing Him, carrying out what He is praying for and about in the Heavens. We move with the Lord. We run with the Lord. We express Him to others as Love.

    The Lord said in the Word that He will build HIS church and that the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it.

    Today the Lord is busy building His church. Many of us think that the Lord is busy building mansions in heaven for us. But what the Bible reveals is that the Lord is building His church. This Church is made up of Genuine believers who have received the Life of God into them. This Life is what qualifies us to be a part of the Body of Christ.

    In the same way the Life in my physical body is the same as the life in my head, there are not two lives, but one life. One nature.  One purpose and goal.  This is Christ and His Church as the Body.

    Labels have damaged us over the centuries. On the one hand there are the cults that pose as believers and in a way it helps to  know if someone is genuinly a believer based on where they fellowship. If their doctrine is based on the pure word of God or based on man's inventions.  Yet purely speaking, the Church bears no man's name, be it this person's ministry or that person's ministry be it Wesleyian, Lutheran etc. The Church also does not have the name of a particular dogma or spiritual emphasis, be it baptist, methodist, penticostal, or the famous " non denominational" that is actually also a denomination.

    The Church is simply Christ's expressed on the earth through the many members which make up His Body.  Once a person has believed into the Lord Jesus Christ and received Him into their spirit to be their life and life supply, this one has been born of God and is a Child of God, thus is qualified as a member, not of some " church" but of the " Church" as the Body of the Lord Jesus Christ.

    Much division has come about to damage the Body of Christ based on dogma and  men's name as the " label"

    The Lord truly needs to recover the true meaning of the Church to so many of us today.  

    The only pattern we see in the new testament regarding the Church is that the brothers wrote to the saints according to the City that they lived in.

    So we see the pattern of the " Church in Rome"  " the Church in Corinth" ..or Ephesus, etc.

    The saints who lived in a certain locality or city met " as" the Church in that city as a representation of the Universal Body of Christ.

    The Body of CHrist is universal, yet it is expressed locally in different cities all over the earth.

    There is an example of the Moon.

    The same moon that I see here in  Toronto Canada is the same moon someone would see in  Beijing China or  Sydney Austraila or any city in any other country world wide.

    The Body of Christ is like that one moon that the whole world sees, yet I can see that moon in Toronto and you can see it in some city in the US.

    Today we express the Lord as the Church locally in our cities, yet we acknowlede that the Body of Christ is not just our own locality but something bigger and universal.  It takes more than one little church to do justice to express the vast dimensions of our rich Christ. It takes millions of saints all over the earth to do so.

    May we be so conscious of the Body of Christ and do our part as a member to care for, cherish, nourish, discern, and live for and unto this Body. The Life that we received from the Lord is satisfied and properly used in the Body of Christ because it was designed for the Body.  Christ is our Life and the Church is our Living.

    Ty for asking this sobering question brother Gary.

    May the Lord continue to bless and cover you as you seek Him with all your being.

    Your sis


  11. He didn't endorse organized Christianity.  He set up a direct link to the Father with no middle man other than himself (Christ).  

  12. "The only, certain church that Jesus CHRIST

    ever mentioned in his teachings, was he kept

    repeating, 'MY church'."

    "Originally, the term 'CHURCH' was never referred to

    nor intented for Christianity, before Jesus CHRIST

    had his encounter with Satan."

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