
Why didn't John McCain pick Mitt Romney?

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I mean as a Democrat, THAT would be the ticket that would of made me nervous.

But, this chick who came out of no where... ALASKA. ahahaha.... WOW.






  1. You can make that argument, but I feel Palin is more sincere and trustworthy than Romney, who sometimes appears questionable.

  2. Romney does not have a v****a...

  3. Pretty much. I think this will come down as one of the dumbest appointments by Republicans, next to Mike Brown as FEMA director, Harriet Myers as Supreme Court Justice and Dan Qualye as VP.

    If he was really serious about getting a woman into power, there were at least a dozen of highly qualified female candidates he could have chosen for VP, instead his pick is more of joke, a token woman just meant to pick up votes instead of being prepared to step into the office of the presidency if needed.

  4. He was not desirable because of his mormon background.

  5. Well Romney's morman and as terrible as it sounds, many Americans probably don't want that for this he might not have helped McCain very much anyway.. but yea.. Alaska? Way to go McCain..  

  6. Obama was losing even after he picked Joe Biden

    do some research as his numbers were ahead of McCain but they

    should have been a lot more then 5 or 8 %..above McCain

    too close?

    now with a women..even a women from the BOONDOCKS

    people like *eye candy* ..look how the people hate Michelle Obama

    A goon of a women who is so ignorant she bad mouths her own country that her hubbie is supposed to be President? unforgivealbe

    Sarah Palin looks like the type of person you would want for a next

    door neigbor ..not Barack Obama and his moose of a wife and his

    family...too many trips to the crack pipe as Bary is really ~P..a tool

  7. He's a Mormon and he didn't want religion to be an issue! We know how people  practice their faiths against one another!

  8. Mitt has baggage some people don`t like. Palin is a relatively unknown which lends itself to intrigue and interest in getting to know her. She has more qualities people can relate to.  

  9. I agree...Romney was the only one that made me nervous as well...that would have been a fight....Romney vs Biden would have been interesting on an intellectual level.  Palin vs. Biden will be comedy.  

  10. Romney's faith and his perceived liberalism counted against him.

    I just hope for McCain's sake that the announcement and choice of Palin was not more about blunting the DNC success and catching everyone unawares.  

  11. because he needs someone not famous to go down with his sinking ship.

  12. Because McCain's 95 year old mother hates Mitt Romney and considers Mormons to be heathens. Really that is about it.

    Everybody thinks Palin was picked just to pander to the feminists, but Palin is also a religious fundamentalist.

    When McCain threw Hagee under the bus trying to capture the moderate votes he totally alienated the religious extremists in the USA.

    Palin is an attempt to buy their votes back.

    If you want the extreme right wingers from the party of God running the White House vote for McCain.

  13. You'r e right, after all ...Romney has bigger t its.

  14. Romney, Libermann, ha ha ha.

    McCain's wife picked her. He's a sucker for status and beauty.

    Libermann ran all over the Middle East whispering in his ear for nothing. lol

    Libermann his little side kick. Shite's, Sunni's.

  15. Perhaps McCain thought he'd have an easier time keeping Palin in her place than he would have keeping Romney in his place.  

  16. to win a wider array of voters.  it was obvious obama was going to pick an older white guy to sway more old white men voters.  mccain wants minority voters therefore he obviously choses a woman.  its about votes, not who will do the best job.  they'll just convince skeptics they can.

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