
Why didn't Keith Jardine get a title match yet?

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He beat Forrest but Forrest is going to fight the champion

He beat Chuck Liddell, but Chuck still fought Wanderlei................

According to Dana White he said that if Chuck beat Jardine that he would fight Wanderlei ONLY if he beat him, but he didn't and Chuck still fought Wanderlei? WTF?

Wanderlei should of fought others before fighting Chuck. They rushed the fight, Wanderlei needed time to get used to the cage

They are holding Jardine back




  1. Wanderlei was brought specificly for the Chuck fight, so you knew that fight would still happen. I have no idea why Jardine has to fight Wanderlei, when Jardine beat Liddell and Liddell beat Wanderlei, but still how can Jardine complain? He is going to fight and possibly defeat two of the sport's biggest names.

  2. The UFC has a bit of a log-jam in the LH division after Rampage with no clear #1 contender.  The top 4 all seem to be beating up on each other and not one of them has really distinguished himself above the rest.  The top 4 contenders include (Forrest, Jardine, Rashad Evans and Chuck Liddell).

    Jardine beat forrest and liddell but got embarrassed by Houston Alexander and I believe lost to Rashad in the semis of TUF.

    Forrest lost to Jardine but had a big win against Shogun.

    Rashad is undefeated so far in the UFC but hasn't really been tested yet other than his draw with Tito.

    Chuck has lost to Jardine and Rampage but has beaten Wanderlei, Tito and Couture and is the former longtime champ.

    Forrest got the next title shot due to his popularity and the fact that he has been paying his dues longer than Jardine and Rashad.

  3. wanderli couldn't hack it in the ufc the first time why is he going to get "used to the cage" now. he lost to vitor belfort in like 47 seconds BY KNOCK OUT. then people see that vitor is not even a second rate fighter. chuck beat EVERYONE  that beat wanderli and every one who beat shogun. I don't even like chuck but I know his place

  4. HE beat's wandy he'll be next!

  5. Jardine is a good fighter, but he's not a popular fighter. It doesn't have the "persona." Forest is a much more popular fighter, and the people love him. The UFC has a lot to gain if Forest wins, because he was on the first season of TUF, and he's gone full circle to win the title.

    Chuck Liddell, Tito Ortiz, Randy Couture, Rich Franklin have/had the popularity of the fans. Tito not so much, because he just ran his mouth.

    Then you mention Jardine, and most people think oh, yeah, him. Jardine is a good fighter, but he's style is akward, and he hasn't won the fans over.

    As long as there's a more popular fighter who is just as deserving to a title shot, Jardine will be on the backburner for a while.

  6. Jardine goted KO by Alexander, and then barley beat chuck split desison he will lose to silva and then this q? will not even mater check this out below

  7. If he beats Wanderlei he will gain some more cred and probably get a chance against the winner of Griffin vs Jackson.

  8. Well the thing is that Shogun was supposed to get the next title shot if he beat Forrest but, Forrest won the fight, and i think that UFC thinks Forrest is more marketable because of his charisma so he was a good choice as a coach for the ultimate fighter show, im sure if jardine beats wanderlei he'll be the next in line, but if machida beats tito theyll have jardine vs machida for the number one contenders spot

  9. one step at a time bro , jardine vs. jackson

    should happen sooner than later , check out jardine

    at 1:30

  10. IMO Jardine getting KO'd by Alexander is what slowed his title shot more than anything.

    Yes, Jardine beat Chuck and Forest, but neither of them got dominated like that by a fighter with no UFC record.

  11. Basically because of four reasons. One he is not very well known except to those who truly follow MMA. Two, Houston Alexander destroyed him and Alexander has not done much after beating Keith. Three, he is not a charismatic fighter; he doesn't get the crowd behind him. He needs to pump them up or "pull" an Ortiz and just become a loud mouth and make a lot of people dislike him. Four, he is in the thickest division and the fan favorites are what Dana is going to put together.

  12. Why does it matter to you?? All you do is B*tch about how MMA is boring..

  13. The answer can be dumbed down to one word... Profitable. You have to consider that Dana White is holding all the strings here. And as much of an a*****e people think Dana White is, he is a very smart business man and he will try as hard as he can to put fights together that are going to get the most viewers. And although Jardine is well liked, Griffin is one of the most popular fighters in the whole UFC.

    That is why the Wanderlei and Liddell fight was put together despite Liddell losing to Jardine. The fight needed to happen and it was a fight that MMA fans had been waiting for 3 year for. Although I do think they did rush it as well, had Liddell lost to Silva, everyone would have said that it was not rushed.

    Does Jardine deserve the match over Griffin? You could argue that. I figured it would be a tossup between Griffin and Jardine. You could argue that Jardine beat Griffin and Liddell, but he also is coming off of a lost to Houston Alexander, who is not a main eventer. Look at it this way though, if Griffin loses to Jackson, and Jardine beats Silva, imagine the build up to the Jardine vs. Jackson fight. Keith Jardine, the striker who has beatin both Liddell and Silva on their feet, goes up against the best striker in the business. It would be a huge match.

  14. There is no ranking system in the UFC, therefore title shots are chosen arbitrarily, usually based on the fighter's marketability (how popular he is).

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