
Why didn't Massa get a stop and go penalty?

by Guest63367  |  earlier

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Is it because Ferrari own half of F1?




  1. Bcoz he had done nothing wrong.

  2. Did Massa deserve a penalty? No, I don't think he did personally. He was told to go, which he did, ran along side the Force India for a while before pulling in behind him.

    Do the team deserve to be punished? Yes, I believe so. I would say a strict warning saying if they do something like that again they will be disqualified from the race and a hefty fine would not be inappropriate.

  3. Its a disgrace !!

    Should have been sorted within the race

    If it was not an incident, they should have not made an issue out of it across the screen

    As they did,  it should have been a stop and go penalty...   its normally the case  in these situations

    SHOCKING that it seems rules for others and


  4. If it was Hamilton, I bet most people would have no problem with it...

    Stop and go applies when you gain advantage. For example, speeding in the pit lane.

    Massa did not gain advantage there, so any penalty cannot affect the outcome of the race.

    BTW, did you guys not remember other similar incident that involve Nick? No penalty involve, and nobody give a d**n

    Now just because its Ferrari, everyone goes up in arms

  5. No F1 is a wholey British owned business but the Valencia Stewards completely balked on applying the now you can leave the pit garage dangerously or without looking so long as you dont crash or make physical contact....tripe!

  6. Because massa has no choice but to exit the pit lane along with force india car. Thats not intentional. Nowhere to go.

  7. Because the stewards lacked balls.

    Earlier in the GP2 race there was a similar incident and the stewards had no problem giving a drive through penalty.

    In the F1 race they noticed the incident but bottled out of a decision and decided to defer that for the FIA to rule upon, this is unprecedented in the history of the sport.

    The 10k Euros penalty handed down by the FIA is a joke, that's about an hours revenue for Ferrari.

  8. Massa did not gain advantage there, so any penalty cannot affect the outcome of the race. They just fined him cause F1 needs money.

  9. Ferrari would certainly seem to have the stewards in their pocket, anyway. I wonder where the money from the fine goes and if it is handed over in a brown envelope.

    What I really hate about what's happened is that Ferrari's 'excuse' has not been challenged. The team and Massa tried  to get their car out in the best place and have tried to blame Sutil and Force India for succeeding where they failed. Massa effectively said it was up to Sutil to get out of his way which would be true on the racetrack but there are no blue flags in the pit lane. Massa's attitude about that is arrogant and has been shown to be very dangerous.  Nothing I've seen or heard gives any hint that Massa or Ferrari have taken that on board and the piffling fine will go nowhere toward changing that. I think Massa has learned one lesson too many from Schumacher.

  10. No ferrari dont own half of F1 its simply because he gained no "sporting advantage" as he was the one who had to yield to let Sutil pass and it wasnt his fault that he was let out so close to Sutil anyway  

  11. Yep all sports are rigged these days

    football, rugby, the oylpmics.......

  12. Ferrari own almost everything.

    C'mon Hamilton

  13. He may get a 10 place grid penalty at the next race

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