
Why didn't McBush er Mccain-spout off about all his ideas for our country earlier?

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Doesn't sound very ethical having all those answers and not challenging Bush in public....maybe he is the ultimate yes man..




  1. you "people"

    mcCAin is NOT the same as Bush so go away kid!

    he says that "he will do first what is good for the country Then what is good for his party...", and he has gotten in fights with many of his fellow republicans, making his words more that just words but also deeds to back his stance!!..And that is why he is NOT Bush or McBush like the Obama morons want to make him look so they can win…

    .. and he is called Maverick McCain!

    You show me that kind of courage and character in Obama....!

    That’s real honor!

    ...oh never mind that McCain is also a real American hero!

    he has my vote, and many of my vet friends votes!

  2. You're obviously a very close watcher of what goes on in politics, aren't you? NOT!!!

    The Audacity of 'Fill in this Blank'! '08

  3. cause Bush was using them... now he's done with the "ideas" so... he gave em to McCaine

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