
Why didn't McCain ask Britney Spears or Paris Hilton to be his running mate?

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They're women he has never met with no Washington experience, and they're very photogenic. They would also give him the star power he desperately needs.




  1. Mrs. Palin's a wife, a mother of five, AND chief executive of a U.S state.  And what exactly are you?  

  2. McCain doesn't need a celebrity.  He has the winning ticket.   ***

  3. He needs more than star power. he can't even figure out how many houses he owns

  4. Because the world would implode.

  5. Simpleton question of the evening,,,,, take a bow

  6. All they would have to do have done is sit in on a PTA meeting to be qualified.  Maybe they were too busy.

    (I don't consider giving birth a qualification to run the country)

    *Rayne Storm, Ronald Reagan was a celebrity and a republican.  Do some research.

  7. For the same reason he didn't ask YOU...Brainless twits

    BTW, Republicans do NOT 'need star power'...That's a Democrat fallacy...We need a PRESIDENT, not a celebrity

  8. Honestly, They are stars, not politicians. I didn't think anyone was that uninformed.

  9. Because they're already obama's advisors.  

  10. Because they are not against abortion

  11. Because he is not a idiot like you.  

  12. He never hangs with women smarter than him.

  13. Because Britney or Paris wouldn't make ALL names on the Republican ticket have more qualifications to be president than B.O.

    McCain - MUCH more substance and more poliitcal experience than B.O.

    Palin - more executive experience and executive accomplishments than B.O.

    Thus, all clear-thinking Americans should vote...

    McCain/Palin in '08

  14. He's afraid they might be better at reading a teleprompter than he is.

  15. his choice may look like desperation to alot of people.

  16. Because both of them have nothing in common with Palin expect their white women. No experience. Pta member, city concil, Mayor, and Govenor. (No experience right)  has a lot of experience if you ask me. strong on conservate values. Paris hilton isn't even registered to Vote.  just because someone is pretty doesn't mean they don't have the brains to back it up. she is a Normal person. Unlike Paris Hiltion she worked her way bottom up. she just didn't make a s*x tape.  He did meet her.  

  17. Bcoz they dun no n e thing about the politics.

  18. Because their to busy drinking and driving and doing time in jail!!!

  19. Funny, but the fact remains that McCain's VP pick has accomplished more and more executive experience than Obama.

    His 15 minutes are up.

  20. Paris Hilton has a better energy policy than he does.

  21. He really wanted to ask them, but Karl Rove threw up his hands and said "ewe, they're icky".  Then he put on a Lucy dress and dusted John's "oval office"

  22. It may happen yet

  23. They could have beat Obama/ Biden also!  

  24. Aww...are you embarrassed that Ms Palin has more experience than Obama? lol

    Then again that isnt hard.....

  25. Because Britney Spears & Paris Hilton have higher moral values than to be associated with a b*****d like McCain who calls his wife a C*NT.

  26. I'm sure he thought long and hard before he made his final decision... Paris or Britney would've been great vice-presidents.

  27. Good point - Paris has a better energy policy than Obama.

  28. He wanted that moose loving cutie with glasses to attract his Republican loser males to sway their votes for him

    s*x sells ya know

  29. Paris Hilton has too much international experience.  Better to get someone good and plain and homely to help run international politics, someone the housewives of America can relate to.  Someone who can bring to International  military political discussion the viewpoint of a mother of six and a succesful homemaker and career woman in her own right.  Someone who can be relied upon to back up the massive middle eastern conflict which is going to result from a McCain presidency.

  30.   Sure would have been better choices!!!

  31. Because neither one of them is as SMOKING HOT as Sarah Palin, mother of 5 and NRA member.....

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