
Why didn't McCain pick Romney as his VP?

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Why didn't McCain pick Romney as his VP?




  1. Palin is one of the best  choices McCain cold have made. I wish Americans would get their heads out of their asses and realize what Obama will do to ruin this country.

    MCCAIN/PALIN 2008!!!!

  2. I think picking Palin as VP showed that McCain is desperate.  Also at least two republican talking heads think the same as me, check out the video.

  3. Mitt Romney has no daughters so there was no scandalous teenage pregnancy story to excite the RNC crowd.  

  4. S-T-U-P-I-D... I am a democrat but I respect Mitt.. least he knows what the h**l is talking about.. won't be asking.. what does a VP do?

    Father was Gov of Mich he formerly of MA.. could have locked up the mid-west and east coast.. I know Mitt feels short ended and used.. I personally think he knows more about running this country than MCShame.. you know McCain cannot have anyone equally challenging.. He likes the dumb girlly look and act..obviously..

  5. His party wouldn't let him - they wanted someone who would "energize" the ultra-conservative base and win over Clinton supporters.

  6. Because he is dum he should pick ron paul and go obama

  7. Because Sarah Palin has more executive experience than Romney. Oops Romney did complete a full term as Massachusetts Governor. He is also a native son of Michigan, which might have helped McCain. What a dumb a   s   s   move  !!!!

  8. Because he's not a woman.

  9. I think he made a mistake.  In Palin he thought he would pull religious conservative and female votes.

  10. Why didn't Osama pick Hillary?

  11. cause he doesn't look as good in a skirt and no I am not being sexist look up John McCain Assman on YouTube and you will see why he picked her

  12. Palin is a right choice for being a courageous woman which the Democrats do not want in Hillary Clinton.

  13. He needed a "wow" choice ... I think everyone expected Romney ... it would have perpetuated the "more of the same" ...

  14. Because Romney is not an ex-beauty queen who knows how to "wow" people.

    Sarah Palin has this down pat.

  15. Because a generic Republican ticket would lose this year. McCain had to take a gamble.


  17. McCain likes making his decisions by picking from a hat

  18. She's got 5 kids (well four we know for sure are her's)

    Someone is going to need to change McCain's diaper eventually.

  19. I have no idea...

    He could have picked an incredibly successful, bright businessman with presidential looks and powerful speaking ability. Instead he picks a proud "hockey mom" who was mayor of podunk town after winning its beauty contest.

    I will no longer consider voting for McCain for president. While I respect him a great deal, this choice of VP was incredibly shallow and downright ridiculous. I cannot understand how anyone how anyone could think this woman was a better VP choice than Mitt Romney. I might have voted for a McCain/Romney ticket. I will not vote for  a McCain/Palin ticket. He is alienating many independent voters with this bizarre choice of VP.

  20. Gee. I don't know. Why don't you ask him?

    I like Palin. She has NO baggage other than what the ultra left are smearing her family with which is non existent rubbish.

    McCain/Palin '08

  21. He was in a senile moment.

    With Romney, he'd have a chance.

  22. The GOP wanted:

    a woman to get Hillary votes.

    A right-wing conservative for them.

    An NRA member for them.

    A rigid religious dogma for Evangelicals.

  23. Let you know his judgment ability.

  24. because he wins with Palin, looses with Romney..simple as that...look at how scared the dems are!!! it's hilarious...this is going to be so great!!!...

  25. That Mormon thing [right or wrong] hurts him nationally.

  26. Because said, "No thanks." as did about twenty other people on his list.  When he got to Palin and saw she was attractive, he picked her, and she didn't say NO, but maybe she should have.

  27. Why so the liberal Dems could whine about two rich white guys......

    McCain made an excellent choice.

    McCain/Palin 08

  28. pure genius...look at them libs, a running so scared

  29. Why ask why?

    He picked the best possible running mate.  Sarah Palin rocks!

  30. Because the purpose of a VP pick is to sure up the candidate's base. Romney would not have done that the way Palin has.

  31. because McCain is a big old white haired, wrinkly toad. he lets his campaign strategists make his decisions for him.

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