
Why didn't McCain pick the Winner of the Beauty Pageant that Sarah Palin was only a Runner Up in?

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Surely, the Winner of that Pageant was judged to be far more talented, congenial, and prettier than Palin.

The Pageant Judges saw Sarah Palin's faults ... do you?




  1. Yeah she wasn't an airhead and not liberal enough.

  2. I can certainly see your faults see your faults based on this question. Palin has accomplished to much since she received a scholarship for her participation in that pageant to have that thrown around as her defining moment.  

  3. she probley didnt pack! liberals picked two losers,and because mccain hit it out the park,are scared *hittless.palin has more excutive experience than all three of thee others,exspecialy the junior senator(community orginiser) from chicago!!

  4. He was looking for a Governor with experience running a state and city with a background in running businesses.

    I know you Obama supporters find it hard to realize that a woman can excel at business and politics, but it can be done despite your bigoted bias. Is this the Black Male psyche?  

    I know that Obama thinks he can pay his female staff less than their male counterparts but if McCain gets in, that will be the last time Obama cheats any of his female employees as laws will be passed to prevent him from doing so in the future. Just look what Palin did in Alaska.

  5. Because being in a beauty pageant is only one of the things shes down.  Being the governor of Alaska might have something to do with it too.

  6. Because Sarah is the right choice

  7. she's a MILF! Cindy is too!

  8. I'm more concerned about why the left is coming out attacking a woman because she is a woman and not attacking her on the issues.  

  9. Who cares.

  10. You are totally brain-dead.  What a waste of a free education!

  11. The winner of the pageant had no political experience, like Obama.

  12. She was brain dead, like Obama

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