
Why didn't McCain stick to his promise when he stated he would run a clean campaign?

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Why didn't McCain stick to his promise when he stated he would run a clean campaign?




  1. Because McCain had to sell his soul to become the Republican nominee. He's nothing like the man he was in 2000. At this point he's little more than a puppet for the same interest groups that brought America Bush.

    As his VP pick made painfully clear, McCain is not running this show.

    The picture is extraordinary: a campaign flailing about in desperation, and, for all of McCain’s professions of “independence,” completely in thrall to the most reactionary elements in American political life.

  2. he's a pathological liar

  3. Yes, lying is clean campaign, Yesterday Sarah did it and today McCain.

  4. Because he wants to win the election.

  5. Change McCain to Obama and you still have a good question and here is a good answer; Politics and politicians will never change, it's all a game and the name of the game is to win the Presidency.

  6. Rove politics got the most unpopular president in history reelected.

    McCain has almost no shot of winning.

    This is his only chance.

  7. He's a politic, politics will say anything. I don't even believe that their able to remember everything that they say.

  8. Because he's a politician.

  9. well he has stuck to the facts, its sure isnt mccain who is running a dirty campaign, all that s**t is coming from the other side and the reason i know is becuase i have seen everyone of them. i have never in my 35 years of being a voter seen a candidate slip into dirty politics like Obama has . and isnt it odd that he said he would not go on fox and talk with oreilly , then he calls bill oreilly and said he would only do it, if he could start the thing tonight. how low and sleezy is that one? last week Mccain stepped back and let them dems have their week, but if you notice the favor was surely not returned.sorry when the liberal media and the obama campaign started this dirty mess ,he decided to fight back with commercials . and i dont blame him if i were in his shoes i would have gone far beyond that if someone was slamming me and people were insulting me not stop on the internet and tv and everyother dirty way they can do it, i think its disgusting!

  10. he has. he never said he would lie for your marxist messiah.


  12. What are you implying? That we have a lying politician in our midst?  

  13. Just because the RNC's speakers have pointed out the FACTS of Obama's history of flip flopping, and has said Obama doesn't have the experience to be President, doesn't make McCain's campaign dirty.

  14. thats true he was talking too much POW

  15. Because he will change his course at any time to say what he thinks he should say to win your votes.  

  16. It's because his follows eat it up. They love bashing. Turn on Fox News at any random hour of the day and keep track of often they're discussing Obama as opposed to McCain. It's like 4 to 1 ratio. They love bashing  liberals for everything. "The economy is bad, blame liberals!!", "We're losing in Iraq, blame liberals!!".......they can't discuss issues because the conversation would lead to accountability and they would be forced to blame fellow Republicans. So instead, they run generalized bash campaigns.

  17. The "numbers" that he had expected were not there.  Karl is still around, and you will see more of his handiwork in the future.

  18. A little at a time, John McCain has sold his soul to the devil.  He's fallen under the tutelage of the usual list of republican liars - Phil Gramm, Karl Rove.  These psychopathic liars have driven this country right into the ground.  But when McCain decided he'd be a good little bootlicker for Bush, along came all these miserable republicans.  

    And certainly - republican lies (and a little election fraud) have gotten a good many republicans elected before.  Depending on how stupid Americans are this time, it can well happen again.  

    Work like h**l for Obama!

  19. They all say what they must to get the vote and win popularity but very few ever stick to their word. You got to remember that they answer to a secret society of government that run what they do also!

  20. Yeah, I remember him saying that.

    The problem is that I don't think he remembers him say that.

  21. Because he doesn't have anything constructive to run on;-p

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