
Why didn't Michael Phelps carry the US flag during the opening ceremony?

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He is one of the most famous people who competed at the olympics, won the most medals, and is a household name. Why would the US have someone from Kenya who wasn't that good (he didn't even place) instead of a superstar like Michael Phelps? Wouldn't make sense to use one of your best athletes? Other countries used their superstars, why not the US?




  1. maybe he didn't want to he was competing for himself and not America He is probably embarrassed to be American and I can think of a few reasons

    You worry too much, now even worry because a Kenyan carried itt instead him? **** knows but that is bullshit ok

  2. because they didn't know he would win all them at that point.

  3. Because he wasn't chosen.

  4. Michael Phelps didn't even Walk out along with many of the athletes because their events were to soon. Their coaches wanted them to rest and not stay up all night because  their event was th next day or the day after. (ex. Michael Phelphs swam the day after the opening ceremony)

  5. I think the US wanted to use the Sudanese athlete to make a statement about China's lack of involvement in pressuring Sudan to address the war in Darfur.

    Edit: Oops you're right Sun Zi Bing Fa. I felt weird when I typed Kenya.

  6. "He is one of the most famous people who competed at the olympics, won the most medals" - Not at that point, he hadn't.

  7. The athletes vote for the flag bearer.  

  8. because 1 michael phelps didnt even participate in the opening ceromonies also every team captain had a vote on it and they chose him

  9. To the First poster. It's not Kenyan. It's Darfur.

    But anywho...US might be in scrutiny after reports that US illegally got Lopez Lomong without proper documentation.

    and also here:

  10. The captains of each US team vote for the flag bearer and they chose him.  By the way, he's originally Sudanese, not Kenyan, and he has a name- Lopez Lomong.  

    All due respect to Phelps, Lomong's story is much more inspiring and transcends sports.  I was very proud that our team had him carry the flag instead of some superstar, such as some other countries did.  So what if he didn't make the finals?  This is a quote from right after his last race:  "Wow, what a great experience for me," Lomong said. "To come here with my great colors on my chest and having a lot of people waving the flag, it's wonderful."  That's the true Olympic spirit.

  11. Phelps wasn't the best athlete after the bejing olympics.

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