
Why didn't Obama's use of illegal drugs (pot and cocaine) make big headlines?

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Obama admits in his 2000 book to being a narcotics abuser, "pot and some blow" but not Heroin because he did not like his dealer. Not because it is illegal and morally wrong.

Is the media downplaying and covering up news to get a junkie elected?




  1. But everybody does it in America

    - Wanda Gershowitz (Jamie Lee Curtis) in A Fish Named Wanda.

  2. What if it had made headlines?  I'm pretty sure it wouldn't have made a difference.  Also, I'd bet that 75% of politicians working in Washington today tried drugs at one time or another.  I'd be wary of a politician who didn't, like he's afraid of trying new things or something.  Lame.

  3. Because 25 years ago, who didn't try pot and cocaine? At least he was up front about it, unlike Clinton's ridiculous assertion of 'not inhaling'. And no, I won't be voting for Obama either, but I give him credit for being honest about it.  

  4. why didn't President Bush's use of illegal drugs (pot & Cocaine) make big headlines?

  5. This is the answer to your question. By readily owning up to it, he negated the negative effect it would have on someone other then himself bringing it up later on. It is not the act itself, but rather the lies and coverups afterwards that is the crime that the public cannot forgive.

  6. Because they can't have the new leader of the free world looked down upon as a dope head.It just wouldn't be right!They will wait until he does something of major mess-up,then they will blame it on the dope he used.

  7. becuase the media loes him. nothing he does is bad.

  8. Pot is safe to use. So whats the big deal? Also I call bs.  

  9. I dont think the media is downplaying the subject, did yousee Obama on the Fox news channel last night Rick Warner had Obama and Mccain on asking questions,Obama brought up the subject about drug use when he said that time in his life was the most inmorral time part of his life. too many ppolititions have had drugs in their life now to make a big issue of it anymore.

  10. it has made headline news, and i have to say, at least Obama is honest.  unlike most.  

  11. Obama is a liberal; the media is liberal. Need I say more as to why only his positive side is for public consumption?

  12. I think the media gave Obama a pass because he was young at the time. Bush was a druggie, too, however. I remember talking about Bush with my father and both of us deciding to give Bush a pass because it happened so long ago. After that, I decided that there were enough people who wanted to become President that drug use passes aren't necessary.

    Bush was a heavy drinker, at least. Alcohol is a drug.  

  13. Who gives a ****.... Most presidents we had have used drugs before whats the big deal? Also Clinotn has done alot of bad and horrible things in the white house... (funny lol)

  14. I don't applaud Obama's use of drugs when he was much younger, but I appreciate his honesty in admitting it now. He was more specific than George Bush was in 2000.

    I think calling him a junkie is a major overstatement.

  15. Since Obama had addressed the topic in his book, and confessed to it, the past drug use was, by definition, no longer news.

  16. well my thoughts are they think most of society does this so they could care less. but my concern is if hes done it is he still hooked  

  17. Well I guess you are perfect and never tried drugs? Oh well if he did drugs at one point, what president hasn't. At least he is owning up to it and not claiming "I didn't inhale." It merely makes him human, humans make mistakes. No-one is perfect. At least he isn't doing it anymore. The reason why it didn't make headlines like you would want is because no-one cares. It's old, people change believe it or not!

    So you only want people to answer who think like you do, that's no fun! Whats the point of even asking if you only want  the answer that "you" want to hear?

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