
Why didn't Palin undergo abortion?

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She was diagnosed ,she could have prevented a medically abnormal child from being born ,seems like the baby when it grows up it will be a big burden to the society.

Why are these people being educated are so backwards and greedy to fulfill their poltical career.




  1. Because we are lucky enough to live in a country where women have reproductive freedom.  Her decision on how to use the information was between her and her family and medical professionals.  

    Of course, vote for the McCain/Palin ticket and we'll see reproductive rights erode...

  2. she tried but botched it.

  3. Because she is a Catholic and Catholics do not allow abortion, it is the will of the almighty.  

  4. She didn't get an abortion because she believes that everyone has the right to life to include the unborn upon conception despite how they were conceived or what their status in health is.

    I believe the same but not at the right of the individual who is bearing the ultimate decision.

    The Right to Life takes away the individual God authorized right to make your own decision and you then have to deal with the consequences.

    You see Pro-Life actually means Pro-Death in the sense that if you take away the right to legally make a decision then we go back to backyard, barnyard abortions, children being born mutilated as a result and people having to live with the horrific nightmares.  In the meantime while , they will still have to deal with their sin of murder but that is between them and God.

    On the other hand, if we accept Pro-Choice and let everyone make their own decision and sorry their own consequences. In the meantime we can educate our children to stay pure, to have protected s*x and do whatever that this won't happen.

    And yes the older a female is when she conceives the greater the chance of having a deformed and downs syndrome baby, but they test early to determine the status of the baby.

  5. so you are saying that anyone that is not perfect should be aborted. well I got news for you no one is perfect. here is one example which got me. you are born normal you are fit and healthy but all of a sudden you are hit by a car, well guess what you are no longer fit and health would you want to live or die. (just to let you know you can not speak, and you have had brain damage).

  6. Here's what I find interesting: Sarah Palin merely CLAIMS to had known Trig was a Down's Syndrome baby before birth.  This would endear her to the anti abortion people, but is it true?

    The stories that Bristol gave birth and Sarah is really the grandmother could EASILY be refuted and should be if McCain doesn't want want the internet rumors to be a distraction. I'm inclined to believe that Sarah Palin didn't have an abortion because she wasn't pregnant.

  7. Well, I believe it's called a choice.  You know, women have the right to choose.  Who are we to tell  her what she can or cannot do with her body.  Isn't that what pro-choice is all about?  You make it sound like pro-choice is about having as many abortions as possible to keep only the perfect kids.  You make the pro-choice movement look really bad.

  8. She wasn't pregnant.

  9. Down,

    The issue here is CHOICE. I would argue that Palin is pro-choice. She had the right to choose whether to have the child or not. She chose to have the child. For other women, they should have the right to choose whether or not to have a child, defective or not. If they have the will and ability to raise a downs-syndrome child, then they should be allowed to. If they do not have that will and ability, they should be allowed to choose to end the pregnancy. Whether you are for or against abortion, it is a personal decision for the mother. For all those who are anti-abortion, why aren't you adopting unwanted children, inner city children, downs-syndrome children, and so on. If you are pro-life, isn't it your duty to provide the best life possible for a child that is not living the best life possible? Seems to me, you have made the CHOICE not to.

    Hope this helps.

  10. Palin is rigidly pro life. I don't support most of her views but I am glad she stands by her convictions. More politicians should do this.

  11. I like your logic: abnormal people should be killed.

    Please start the genocide lines for the homosexuals - they are certainly not normal.  Also pre-op and post-op trans-sexuals - by your logic they have to be killed too.  Who else is abnormal?  Most certainly all criminals - so capital punishment for every convicted criminal.  What about young children, mostly boys, whose behavior can only be controlled by chemicals.  Should they be murdered too?

    Now - to be serious!

    Advocates of abortion are the MOST SELFISH PEOPLE in the history of humankind.  Abortionists place their "freedoms" over the life of another human being, and abortionists advocate murder of another human being so their lives are not effected by that individual.

    Women who commit murder by having abortions should be haunted by guilt for the rest of their lives!  Men who coerce women to have abortions should be neutered and have the image of their unborn and murdered children tattooed on their chests.

    Governor Palin - Sarah - committed herself to being compassionate and loving in accepting God's gift of a created being within her womb.  Like so many families who care for their children with disabilities, she will enjoy all of the rewards of being a person who takes the good with the bad and sees God's gift of love through this new person entering their lives.

  12. Because she is not a baby killing liberal.

  13. well that would look dumb to have an abortion if your against it wouldn't it?

    the only thing greedy is having an abortion, killing in innocent human, that has human rights, and breathes. besides, thats murder

  14. It should be a decision between the women and her doctor period  and sometimes the doctors can be wrong, I was advised to have an abortion due to medical problems I had with third baby, I refused and had a perfect baby boy, it would not have mattered if he wasn't perfect.

  15. her choice, but since she knew outcome in advance and did not abort, i would not like to see public money go to support the kid

    i respect her decision, but the decision is essentially a religious choice, and cost ought be kept separate from the public bill

  16. She didn't do it to better her career. she believes in the right to life no matter what deformities the child has.

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