
Why didn't Sarah Palin have an abortion when she discovered she was pregnant w/Down's Syndrome baby 2 yrs ago?

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At the age of 42(!), mind you?

What do you pro-abortion folks think about this; should she have nailed the kid while she still had a chance, or what?




  1. She's firmly opposed to abortion.

  2. It was her personal choice not to do so. If she decided to abort it would have also been her personal choice.

  3. she had that baby in april i thought, anyways pro choice doesnt mean we want sick babies to be aborted... she kept the baby cuz she knew she could care for it. thats wat prochoice is all about. the child deserves to be cared for. and if that cant be then its the mothers choice how to handle the situation. plus by the time she found out was probably to late.

  4. Why would you kill a child just because it would be harder to raise him or her? thats  selfish and wrong. A parent should love their child unconditionally. It's about morals..apparently you don't have any.

  5. watch video answer

  6. Who wouldn't do that?

  7. You are out of your mind she did not she just had a baby in April and if she had a Downs baby why would she get pregnant again doesn't work stop your horrible lies you have no source. If this is how Obama is going to attack Palin then he is in for the biggest lose in history women will not tolerate that type of slander she is pro life!!!!

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