
Why didn't Simon Dumont win the Super Pipe?

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Why didn't Simon Dumont win the Super Pipe?




  1. well i dont know why his run looked better and cleaner but these judges dont only rate the pipe on heighth its mainly on technicallity and tanner hall had more hits and more spins on both side of the pipe not just one wall.  personally i think they should score them more on height than technicallity because from personal experiences it took me long to land a big air than a spin.  the big air took like four or five tries and i landed an alley oop my first time in a competition with out practice or anything so i think air is harder than technicallity

  2. I was pretty pissed - Dumont hit over 20 ft on his first jump and landed everything smoothly.  Considering that the crowd was booing Tanner Hall, and from my personal view frankly I have no idea why he didn't win - everything he did was just as good if not better than Hall's.   I felt bad that the judges would s***w him over like that.

  3. Because he doesn't have Tanner's gorilla steez...

  4. The judges were crazy my friend.

  5. I agree with Smuffy, mtbakt is a loser! They let skiers in because snowboarders suck at the Super Pipe or are just as good. Skiing over rules snowboarding!!!!

  6. mtbatk is a loser.

    simons run was baller. but tanners run had opposite side spins, pure ridiculous. and he also got pretty dam high too.

  7. that guy is a loser he thinks just cuz he boards he owns the park s***w him i love watching skier is the park and pipe its way harder for skiers they can do everything boarder can do even better and as for your question i agree simon shoula won but i still like tanner

  8. well simon only has 5 hits in the pipe while hall gets 7

    simon only spins one way while hall does both

    simon gets 20 feet out but amplitude doesn't score as high as technical tricks now

    tanner is just more technical and gets more hits in the pipe

  9. Both Tanner and Simon put up solid runs and it seemed like Simon was getting bigger air but the main reason why he didnt win was becuz he was only spinning one way, over his left shoulder I think...and to the judges that is a big point deducter....its like in basketball when a kid can only dribble and do a lay up with his right hand instead being able to do things wtih both left and right

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