
Why didn't Winnipeg use Charles Roberts more?

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I think Winnipeg deserved to lose for not utulizing Roberts more effectively. Here's a guy who has rushed for more than 100 yards a game any number of times, but they didn't seem to want to give him the ball?!




  1. bad coaching.

  2. When the bulk of your yardage comes on 2 runs (11 yd run and a 12 yard run) that means the other 11 times you touched the ball you went nowhere! maybe if he would have caught the ball instead of dropping passes he may have been more of a factor, oh yeah can't wait for Dinwiddie to take all the heat for the loss so next year we can get back to our highly overated QB KG, the bombers have been notorious for bringing in all-star US college QB'S and not developing them preferring to go with aging QB'S who are on the last part of their career, so anyway cheers to you Ryan you played a good game, hold your head up high I'm sure we'll see you in Calgary or B.C one day where they know how to develop QB'S!

  3. The Riders D was doing an excellent job containing Roberts, leaving too many 2nd and long situations. Which was putting too much pressure in the Wpg QB. They had to try and change things up. If Roberts would have been more effective on the ground you would have seen much more of him for sure.

  4. Can't run on second and long.  Riders did a good job of stopping him on first down.  Dinnwiddie reminded me of Vince Feragamo.  He couldn't count to 12 either and kept getting picked off by the extra back in pass coverage.

    Give credit where it was due.  Both defenses played great games but the Riders were just a little better.

  5. I agree, bad coaching.  In the second half, the Bombers should have made adjustments on the offensive side, as it was obviously that what they were doing wasn't working.  But they just continued doing the same thing, letting the QB hold the ball for too too long.  They needed the short dump off passes and the run in order to open up the field.

  6. Because they are stupid!!!!!

  7. Too many second-and-long situations.  When it's second down, and you've got more than five yards to go, running the ball is kinda risky.  Especially since Roberts wasn't gaining many yards on the carries he did get.

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