
Why didn't doctor give approperate antibotic?

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Person had brown spider bite. Test positive for MRSA Treated with Vancomicin. Left person as a carrier of MRSA. 5 years later person has botched unnecessary surgery on arm and infection test positive for MRSA. Doctor that knew history from spider bite insudent refuses to give Vancomicin. Infection gets in blood ssream and becomes septicemia. Person loses leg, foot and hands from cloged capularies. Lives 2 more years in a mulated body then dies. WHY didn't the doctor get her on IV Vancomicin?




  1. Treatment with vancomycin can still be effective because it is not overused. The strain of MRSA that colonized the patient had already been exposed once to Vancomycin so it already had taken some notes on how to survive treatment. The bacteria that still colonized the individual 5 years later was descended from those first survivers of vanco treatment #1. Since vancomycin is one of the only antibiotics that is effective against MRSA, the doctor was protecting the rest of the world. Also, doctors make mistakes too sometimes, they are not perfect.

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