
Why didn't dogs evolve with 6 legs instead of 4?

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Why didn't dogs evolve with 6 legs instead of 4?




  1. Because they dont need 6 legs..

  2. Cause they would have kept peeing on their middle legs while at the fire hydrant.

  3. Because, like their ancestors, they are tetrapods (four limbs).  So, why did the ancestral tetrapod have four legs?  It evolved from a lobe finned fish that used four fins to walk around.  Why four?  Because that's just how it happened to turn out.  Do insects need 6 legs to get around?  Do arachnids need eight?  There is no "reason why".  That's just how it worked out.

  4. The correct answer is that they don't need 6 legs.

    Dogs are perfectly adapt with 4, so the body won't waste energy creating or using the extra two legs when that energy can be used for other more useful things.

    Hope this helps :D

  5. They descended from four limbed animals. If you think about animal skeletal and muscle structure, you'll probably find it heard to imagine how two other legs would fit in and work -- they'd be a hindrance, like this poor pup with six legs and two penises:

  6. well, as they are animals with 4 legs, you could say that, god wanted them to be like that, but the animals, used to adapt to the enviroment they live in.

    Because they cannot stand in 2 legs as people they will sit on 4 legs, not to mention that they used to run.

    But in these days, we could say that almost everything is possible,, you can even make a 6 leg dog, if you modify the ADN of the dog,, of course that dog will make another dog, and,,,,,,so on,

    AS they made with the goats, the spider has a protein in that web that he makes that is stronger than the steel.

    Because the spider can  produce only a minimum ammount of web, they made a genetic modification at some goats and now those goats produce milk with that protein.

  7. god created the wolves and dogs with 4 legs because they live in an enviroment wher more legs aren't needed

    they can balance with 4 and even on three

    they only need four to mount

    extra grip isnt needed

    they would be realtivly slower. many six legged animals have torsos close to the ground. a dog would be at a disadvantage in the wild

    less maintenance: no extra claws to where down, or fur to clean

    cats would protest

  8. dogs did, but the 6 legged ones (insect/dogs) failed to show up at Noah's ark.

  9. because 7 8 9

  10. maybe that's becauase it's easier for them to run that way?

  11. Because if they did, i would have been answering the question, 'why didn't dogs evolve with 4 legs instead of 6?'

  12. God want them to like that.

  13. It only takes four legs to be stable for a bilaterally symmetrical animal and the efficient design is usually favored.  Insects probably didn't have the brain power to manage it so used a more stable system that took less balance and brainpower.

  14. Because every other animal has 4 legs.

  15. cuz all the rest of animals have 4 legs

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