
Why didn't someone tell Michelle Obama?

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That her green dress put about 50 pounds on her? WOW! What a wardrobe mistake!




  1. She looked fantastic. Sorry she's not a supermodel but she looked very elegant.

    Michele Obama doesn't pretend to love America, clearly she does. It's the misconception of the right that if you don't believe what they believe then you hate America. But voting for Bush twice and McCain shows your distain for your country more than anything.

  2. You're right.  Omarosa should have come away from her time on '"The Apprentice" with better fashion sense.

  3. Yeah that was a wardrobe mistake but I'm not worried.

    When Obama is in the white house I'm sure the staff can give her a much better wardrobe..and your tax dollars will probably pay for it!

  4. I'm waiting for Cindy McCain's speech at the RNC: "How to Get Your Own Drug Stash and Not Pay a Price." Get that little anorexic, Barbie wannabe up there and watch her start checking the stage for crack rocks. The reason why you'll never hear her be able to give a speech like that is because she can't speak. The only thing she can do is fake an injury. Re-aggravated Carpel Tunnel Syndrome? I guess if you spend your days putting pills in your mouth, maybe it could happen.  

  5. Let me remind you it was the Democratic National Convention, not a fashion show. Her speech was so sincere and powerful I don't even recall what she was wearing. When people are given a rose, some look at the thorns and others look at the flower. You obviously looked at the thorns.

  6. according to our office's mailman, thanks to Oprah, she was beautiful and now he can't stop thinking about her.  

  7. A woman's value does not revolve around her dress or her weight.

    Edit: Do we need to start going after your p***s size?

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